I like to culture you uncultured, white trash, redneck hicks every once in a while by bringing you clips of nudity from International movies and TV shows, because International movies and TV shows are far less conservative than in America and the women are better to look at….because they don’t try as hard… So here is a tight little tattooed body of some Belgian actress named Daisy Van Praet in some Belgian TV show called Witse……a body you’d expect to be more bloated and disgusting thanks the all the fries and waffles and beer…..but that’s ripped in ways that make you want to treat it like it’s a young dirty slut….making her talk dirty to you in dutch like a whore you picked up in the red light district back in college on your Euro trip through Amsterdam….only better cuz you don’t have to pay for it….and hoping she taps into her french side and gives you anal on the first date like they do in France….. Euro bitches are amzing even if they are just fantasy from a far away land that will never cross paths with you….cuz you live in a fucking trailer park eating SPAM and CHEESE PUFFS you white trash, redneck hick. Naked for TV in other countries…means naked on the internet. I’m into it.
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Foreign TItties on TV of the Day