Candid supercomputer and Movieline pal Watson vowed a comeback late Wednesday, two days after losing a Jeopardy! match to New Jersey Congressman Rush Holt. “This isn’t over by a sight,” Watson said in a brief interview.
Bill Clinton may or may not appear in The Hangover Part II (may not, according to Ed Helms ), but one place you definitely won’t be seeing the former president is on 30 Rock . Page Six reports that Tina Fey wanted Clinton for the show’s 100th episode (airing April 20), but was shot down. “The request was made and immediately denied without asking him,” said a Clinton representative. Harsh . Is Bill holding out for a Two and a Half Men cameo request? [ Page Six ]
Saturday Night Live shouldn’t even try to execute a Charlie Sheen sketch this weekend unless they can recruit Jimmy Fallon for the gig — because last night, the Late Night host set the bar for Sheen impressions. Elsewhere, Simon Cowell criticized the new American Idol judges, Chelsea Handler told Conan about Snuggie sex, and Jimmy Fallon’s crew got Jersey Shore -ified.
Last week, news broke that Michael Bay would take high-concept excess to a new level by producing Zombies vs. Robots . Then, just one week later, Jonah Hill decided he wanted to take it to an even newer level by directing The Kitchen Sink , which involves zombies and vampires teaming up to fight aliens . All right, Hollywood: Intervention time.