Lil Zuri Hunter is an adorable social media star in her own right, but now she’s televised. AVON dropped a new commercial for “This Is Boss Life” featuring a working mother and her daughters. Well, guess who one of the daughters is? When you join Avon as a Representative you can work when you want, where you want and how you want. At Avon we believe that there is nothing more beautiful than succeeding on your own terms. When you boldly take control of your future, seize your financial independence and become a fierce, powerful force to be reckoned with, you are living the boss life. When you sign up to sell Avon, you can run your Avon business online or on the phone, face-to-face or on Facebook, part time, full time, any time. It’s time to kiss that cubicle goodbye! Turn the pages for more pictures of the darling.
Read this article:
Someone We Actually Like: Lil Zuri Hunter, The Viral Photo Baby, Drops First Commercial For AVON [Video]