We kicked off Supernatural Season 10 Episode 1 with Sam torturing a demon in order to learn the location of Crowley and Dean. Upon slicing her throat, Sam was told: “Whatever soul you had, whatever Boy Scout code you cuddled up to at night, it’s all gone.” So… yeah. It was a nice and bright opening few moments. Cut to four weeks later and Sam still has no idea where to find his brother. Neither does Castiel who admits to missing Dean and wonders: is the real Dean even still out there? Or has the demon taken over completely? We then do finally see Dean, as he’s enjoying some karaoke, not caring one bit that everyone’s booing him. He also hooks up with a waitress, casually dismisses her afterward and beats up her abusive boyfriend. Badly. Oh, and he kills a number of Abaddon’s groupies with the First Blade. However, as Sam later discovers, they were actually sent by Crowley, who’s attempting to keep Dean at the ready for their professional future. Sam vows to save Dean, but Crowley comes back at him by saying it’s not what Dean’s become that bothers him. “You can’t stand the fact that he’s mine,” he states. “Dean Winchester completes me.” Yup, move over, Jerry Maguire! Crowley’s mission? To “create the perfect Hell” with Demon Dean’s assistance, telling him they’re just “moving the party” and leaving Dean to contemplate this offer. Meanwhile, another hunter named Cole is after Dean, unaware of what’s he’s turned into. He kidnaps Sam in the process, as we lean that something went down between Cole and Dean many years ago and “now he’s prey, and I’m the monster,” according to Cole. He then phones Dean to demand a trade. However, he’s not about to to go save his sibling, instead just telling Cole that he’ll find him one day. And kill him very dead, of course. We cut back to Castiel for a minute as Hannah pays him a visit, seeking assistance with two rogue angels (Daniel and Adina) who murdered one of them own for trying to bring them home. Once this pair is found, Castiel kills Daniel to save Hannah’s life, while Adina escapes. Cas is left to wonder if he’s been on Earth for too long. “There’s seemingly nothing but chaos,” he says. And that applies to the Winchesters certainly, as Dean tells Cole after the latter threatens to kill Sam: “I told him to let me go, so any jam he’s in now, that is his problem… He knows damn sure that if I am one thing, I am a man of my word.” EEK! Did you enjoy this opener, fans? Visit TV Fanatic to watch Supernatural online and get your first look at Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2 now: Supernatural Preview – “Reichenbach”
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Supernatural Season 10 Episode 1 Recap: A Man of His Word