Izabel Goulart is a Victoria’s Secret model once a year, for whatever reason, she was taken off the main roster and ran back to brazil to live out her fit as fuck model life, thanks to garnering celebrity from the billion dollar evil fucking brand…but she still walks their fashion show infomercial to I guess stay relevant, or maybe because that’s what her contract stipulates – allowing her to remain exclusive to them without actually working since she’ likely got enough in the bank, she was a huge deal for a while a while ago.. I forgot she existed, but saw these Brazilian Christmas romance shots and remembered how fit she was, like workouts everyday, making for a sculpted and amazing body…with low bodyfat…and I figured why not celebrate that today while all you fat fucks are till eating cookies from Yesterday….not everyone is a lazy pre-diabetic fat as fuck American…some just get paid in American Dollars to be hotter than Americans, so tht they buy cheap made in china sweatshop panties…you know…like GOULART… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PCIS CLICK HERE Here’s some excitement from her social media.. The post Izabel Goulart – Bikini – of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Izabel Goulart – Bikini – of the Day