Big Boi, Russell Simmons And More Urge You To Continue To Fight For Troy Davis, But Is It Too Late??

Since last night, the movement to spread awareness about Troy Davis’ case and prevent his execution has been in hyperdrive on Twitter. Some, like Russell Simmons, have taken the approach of asking celebs who might not usually ask their followers to get involve in causes like this – like Kim Kardashian – to educated others about who Troy Davis is and why his case matters. Others, like Big Boi have gotten their hands dirty, spearheading rallies and protests in various parts of the country. But is it too late to do anything? Q. Can the president grant clemency or stop the execution in any way. A. No. While President Obama has said he thinks the death penalty does little to deter crime, he has no legal authority to get involved, officially, with a state execution. When the death penalty is imposed for a state crime like murder, it is a state issue. Q. Can the governor stop the execution? A. No. Georgia’s Constitution gives that authority only to the state Board of Pardons and Paroles. Q. Can the Chatham County district attorney ask the judge who signed the death warrant to withdraw it? A. Mike Mears, a professor at John Marshall Law School and who has challenged the death penalty for decades, said probably not. “I don’t think there is a legal mechanism to ask a judge for a do over,” he said. Q. Can the courts stop it? A. Though his attorneys he can fill appeals, the only viable option is the Georgia Supreme Court and that is a questionable one. His lawyers would have to file in the Superior Court in Butts County, where the prison is located, and then, if necessary, the Georgia Supreme Court and then directly to the US Supreme Court. Federal law limits appeals in that court system and Davis has exhausted those. Q. Can the Pardons and Paroles Board change it’s mind? A. If additional evidence is provided the board could step in but the board has already twice rejected Davis’ requests for clemency. This morning they said they would not reconsider additional requests. Still, even with yet another judge refusing to delay Troy Davis’ execution, scheduled for 7pm EST, hundreds are continuing to make their voices heard online, led by celebs who are refusing to drop their efforts. Here’s what you can still do: Flip through and check out some of the people other people getting involved.

See original here:
Big Boi, Russell Simmons And More Urge You To Continue To Fight For Troy Davis, But Is It Too Late??

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