Is Rihanna dating someone new? And is that someone a woman? “I’m on my first date in almost 2 yearz,” the star tweeted late last night, prior to revealing that date was with … Melissa Forde. And holding hands with her outside Malibu’s Giorgio Baldi before hitting up Hollywood’s famed Roxbury nightclub. The 24-year-old, who clearly does not give a f–k what anyone thinks, kept Tweeting hints that her relationship with Forde is romantic in nature. “Beautiful is great, submissive is even better. Bawse b***h who’s submissive yet the captain of the ship n HONEST…#priceless #marryME,” she wrote. “But she bad… So maybe she won’t…. But s**t, then again maybe she will.” The singer was having a good time, uploading photos to her social media account of her table at the club covered in bottles of booze … standard. Perhaps the most surprising Tweet? Rihanna posted a photo of herself and Melissa Forde with the caption, “#datenight my lover for the night.” Her background is still very much unclear, but she and Rih reportedly have matching tattoos that read, “never a failure, always a lesson.” So yeah, there’s that. Also, if it’s been really “2 yearz,” apparently hooking up with Ashton Kutcher and/or Chris Brown do not count as “dating.” What do you think of this situation? Is Rihanna changing teams on us? And would you blame her if she did? Share your comments below. [Photo: Pacific Coast News]
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Melissa Forde: Dating Rihanna?