George Zimmerman Joins Celebrity Boxing Circuit; DMX Vows to "Beat the F–k" Out of Him

George Zimmerman plans to join the ranks of celebrity boxing and is already on the hunt to find a famous opponent, according to reports. Seriously. Promoter Damon Feldman is behind the celebrity boxing match, set to take place on March 1, though it’s unclear who he will be duking it out with. “Boxing isn’t new to me,” George told Radar Online in an article posted on the celebrity news site last week; he also linked to their story about his debut. Zimmerman began boxing long before the February 2012 incident in which he killed Trayvon Martin and became a nationally notorious figure. The case polarized the country around issues of racial justice, self defense and gun control; Zimmerman eventually walked after a jury acquitted him. His plans to get in the ring are just the latest example of cashing in on his notoriety. A George Zimmerman painting recently sold for over $100,000 (seriously). Some of the proceeds from the event would go to an animal rescue charity, Zimmerman said, while suggesting he might do this more than once. “Obviously if I get my butt kicked around, then no!” he quipped. Speaking of which, a number of celebrities such as The Game and DMX say they will gladly face off against Zimmerman. Just give them that opportunity. In fact, X says he would whomp Zimmerman’s ass on behalf of “every black person who has been done wrong in the system,” then urinate on him. “I am going to beat the living f–k out him,” the rapper told TMZ , adding that “I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f–k him right up.” “Once I am done with him, I am going to whip my d–k out and piss on him, right in his muthaf–kin face. Zimmerman is a piece of s–t and that’s what he needs to drink.” As you might expect, given such vitriol, security is said to be off the hook and the event closed to the public … so no one pulls a Zimmerman on Zimmerman. Like DMX, George has had number of brushes with law enforcement official. He has twice been stopped for speeding, once in Texas and in Florida. In September, Zimmerman was held by police after his estranged wife, Shellie Zimmerman , called authorities saying he threatened her with a gun. He was not charged in the incident, which occurred after she filed for divorce. Then, he was arrested in November on domestic violence charges that were dropped last week after his girlfriend Samantha Scheibe withdrew her complaint. Who would win in a boxing match?   X Zimm View Poll »

Continued here:
George Zimmerman Joins Celebrity Boxing Circuit; DMX Vows to "Beat the F–k" Out of Him

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