Should the boxing match be stopped ? Petition Calls For George Zimmerman’s Boxing Match To Be Stopped Via White House Petitions reports: Celebrity Boxing Promoter Damon Feldman & George Zimmerman are attempting to promote and profit off of racial tensions in America. Damon Feldman has been known for fixing fights and taking short cuts in the past in bypassing state requirements for fighters to obtain a license to box. Mr Feldmans past should be highly considered in this regard if Feldman is not going through the proper channels to ensure the safety of the participants it puts lives at risk. in addition the entire idea of this event is to use racial tensions to lure people in to purchase the event. this will only hurt America as it will continue to stir up racial tensions that have been on going in this nation for quite some time. No Promoter or Celebrity Boxer should ever be allowed to use racial tension to profit. Reports say Feldman says that he is aware of the petition but has not read it. “There are a lot of haters out there,” he says. “But I don’t see color. I’m just in this to make money. There’s an opportunity for me to catch a break here.” Do you think Zimmerman should be able to capitalize from the death of Trayvon Martin?? Sigh the Petition HERE !
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Where Do We Sign: New Petition Calls For George Zimmerman & DMX Celebrity Boxing Match To Be Stopped