Category Archives: NFL

Colin Kaepernick Won’t Support The National Anthem But Would He Stand For The ‘Dipset Anthem?’

Pledge Your Allegiance To The Diplomats The national anthem  is under fire since it was discovered the third verse is a celebration of slavery. Given America’s tenuous relationship with slavery and the current happenings with Colin Kaepernick’s protest, someone came up with a possible solution to this problem. Dero Anthony, he of @DesusAndMero fame, started a petition to change the current national anthem to The Diplomats’ “Dipset Anthem.” Via XXL Ironically enough, the idea of America being the “land of the free” could one day lead to the song those words inhabit no longer being the National Anthem. Recently, a man named Dero Anthony used his freedom of speech to try and do just that. On Friday, Anthony started an online petition to have the Dipset’s eponymous track “Dipset Anthem” replace Francis Scott Key’s “Star Spangled Banner” as the national anthem. “The current National Anthem is BS,” reads Anthony’s very straightforward description for his petition. The petition already has over 1700 signatures. With Anthony’s petition gaining a   bit of momentum, we have to wonder how Colin Kaepernick would feel about signing it. After all, it was probably his decision to reject the National Anthem at NFL preseason games that inspired Anthony to create the petition in the first place. “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said, explaining the motivation behind his controversial protest. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” If you’d like to see the U.S. adopt “Dipset Anthem” as its National Anthem, you can sign the petition here . If the change is made, will you pledge allegiance to the Dips?

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Colin Kaepernick Won’t Support The National Anthem But Would He Stand For The ‘Dipset Anthem?’

California Senator Pushing For “Pay Protection By Race” Law Ensuring Equal Pay For Minorities

A California State Senator wants to boost pay protection in the state by adding race to the current equal pay legislation. California already protects pay by gender, but Sen. Isadore Hall thinks a pay proposal regarding race is also necessary and is working to pass such a law. Hall’s proposal would be an addition to California’s current fair pay law that requires employers justify any pay discrepancies between men and women who do “substantially similar” work. Hall would like to add “race or ethnicity” to the requirement as well. “No one should be paid less than what they’re worth and no one should be discriminated against because of the hue of their skin or their gender,” said Hall, a Democrat, in a statement. “This is the most robust racial equality bill in the nation…” [ MadameNoire ] Would You Leave Your Job Or Get Married To Stay In A Relationship With A Co-Worker? Finding love out here is hard. The only thing harder? Finding a good job. So what would you do if you ended up in a romantic relationship with a really great person who just happened to work with you, only to have your job tell you that said relationship goes against their policy, which prohibits dating between co-workers? And to make matters worse, what if they said that in order for you to have your relationship and not have to hide it, one of you would have to leave the company? So yes, it’s a complicated situation indeed when two parties just so happen to fall in love in the workplace. Or even just “like.” The desire for employers to avoid in-office conflict is real… [ MadameNoire ] Spike Lee Threw A Brooklyn Block Party In Remembrance Of Prince After news of the passing of Prince hit the airwaves yesterday (April 21) the outpouring of condolences and praise for the man who transcended his musical generation immediately and appropriately followed. While some places held Prince tributes, Spike Lee took his eulogy a step further and spread his love the Brooklyn way by throwing a mini block party in the Fort Greene neighborhood for the man who personified the word “cool.” The Do The Right Thing director took to his Instagram page to announce the gathering proclaiming “We will dance, sing, and should to his music. Wear something purple.” And wear purple they did. Thousands of Prince fans and admirers gathered outside of Lee’s 40 Acres And A Mule Filmworks offices where they danced and recited classics such as “If I Was Your Girlfriend,” “Little Red Corvette,” and of course, “Purple Rain…” [ HipHopWired ] Mariah Carey Dedicates “One Sweet Day” To Prince During Paris Concert [ Vibe ] Prince: Percocet Triggered OD Days Before Death [ TMZ ] Michelle Obama Wears Purple, Melts Our Grieving Hearts [ HuffingtonPost ] Fetty Wap Has An Inspiring Message (And New Song) For The Class Of 2016 [ IHeartRadio ]

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California Senator Pushing For “Pay Protection By Race” Law Ensuring Equal Pay For Minorities

Nut Crashing Celebration

Some guys just don’t respect the nuts! Continue reading

Rugby Player Jarryd Hayne Comes To The NFL

This will be interesting. I’m pretty sure if Jarryd Hayne does well, the NFL will be scouting many more of these guys. Continue reading