12 Pieces of Presidential Swag You Really Can Purchase

Do not ever doubt the lengths politicians will go to in order to raise funds. Case in point: Hillary Clinton posed for a selfie with Kim Kardashian at an expensive dinner in Los Angeles. Other cases in point: the following pieces of swag, all of which are real and actually on sale on the official websites of various candidates… 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! For $35, fans of Rand Paul can wish other fans of Rand Paul a happy birthday… with this three-foot tall birthday card. It comes with an equally gigantic envelope. 2. Grillary Clinton Look, we love puns as much as the next guy. Ok, fine: we love puns even more than the next guy. But Grillary Clinton?!? This is something a serious President candidate is selling. 3. A Marco Polo This totally wins. Marco Rubio is selling a polo shirt with his name on it. Get it? A Marco Polo! 4. A Bobby Jindal T-Shirt There’s nothing too funny about this shirt, really, although the slogan could use some work. We mostly wanted to see if people knew Jindal was running for President. 5. Mugging for the Camera Okay, so Rick Perry dropped out early. And a PAC of the former nominee was selling this shirt, not the man himself. But still. It’s a shirt that uses Rick Perry’s mug shot! And it’s PRO Rick Perry! 6. Hillary, I’ll See Your Pun and Raise You… Jeb Bush is selling a guacamole bowl on his website for $75. It is called the Guaca Bowle. View Slideshow

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12 Pieces of Presidential Swag You Really Can Purchase

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