19 First World Problems Tweets: Oh, The Horror!

Life can be tough sometimes. A lawyer dares to call you in for a deposition . You get unfollowed by a fellow artist. You look like Octomom. These are big enough problems on their own, but they’re nothing compared to real problems; they’re chopped liver compared to the sort of problems that earn the hashtag #FirstWorldProblems on Twitter. Such as one’s cleaning lady showing up late… or one’s pool cover being broken… or one’s iPad being too bright. The horror of these stories! How do these folks survive?!? It’s unclear. But enjoy reading about first world whining below: 19 First World Problems That Elicit Little Sympathy Open Slideshow 1. Too Much Balsamic Vinegar! Break out the violins, people. This person has put too much Balsamic Vinegar on her salad! View As List 1. Too Much Balsamic Vinegar! Break out the violins, people. This person has put too much Balsamic Vinegar on her salad! 2. Tea with Soy Milk?!? This person has tea with soy milk. How did she ever survive? 3. iPad Problems There are people in Africa who WISH they had iPads whose brightness could hurt their eyes. 4. Stuck with a Jeep This poor Twitter user only has a Jeep. Pity her, people. Pity her. 5. Where’s the Cleaner? Don’t you hate it when the person who does your laundry arrives late? 6. Broken Pool Cover It doesn’t get much worse than wanting to go for a dip and having your pool cover broken. 7. Tiny Wallet What is one to do when one has too many bills and credit cards for one’s wallet? 8. Massage Disappointment A visit to Indonesia would be ruined for anyone if his/her massage didn’t go well. 9. No Fennel! There’s no fennel at the deli, people. NO FENNEL! 10. Guacamole Injury Ever experienced pain from an avocado? It hurts, people! 11. Too Much Sushi Feeling nauseous from having too much sushi? We’ve all been there. Sort of. 12. Pomegranate Pain Peeling pomegranate is pure torture. It doesn’t get much worse. 13. Broken Bechemel! Noooo!!! This person’s bechemel won’t thicken! 14. Massage Table Nap Oops! This Twitter user fell asleep in her massage table once. 15. Overly Orange Zested Too much orange zest in one mimosa can just ruin a Sunday. 16. Where is the Ironing Lady?!? It’s bad enough to take up for the ironing lady. But when she doesn’t show?!? 17. Stupid Toaster! Why would a toaster without a bagel setting even exist?!? 18. Suffering from Souffle We’re not sure what a broken souffle ramakin in. But it’s apparently painful. 19. Overly Saturated Quinoa Too much water in one’s quinoa makes it scarcely worth eating, don’t you agree?

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19 First World Problems Tweets: Oh, The Horror!

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