In an unusual step, American Idol kicked Jermaine Jones off the show last night, following the discovery that the season 11 finalist had lied about a pair of arrests . How are fellow contestants reacting to the development? A few relayed their thoughts People : Phillip Phillips : “It was sad to see somebody go like that, with an awesome voice. It sucks.” Colton Dixon : “We found out what happened when you guys did. We were shocked, but at the same time, he’s such a great guy. We all love him to death. He’s truly the gentle giant. He handled himself so well, I’m proud of him.” Shannon Magrane: Jones “always has that great fun spirit, and he has always kept us laughing. He is so funny, we miss him already.” Hollie Cavanagh : “He’s going to do huge things in music regardless of if he’s on the show or not,” she said. “It’s just a little bump in the road. He’ll prevail, and he’ll do big things.” Heejun Han: “It’s a competition. I really want to be honest about it. I’m not like, ‘Oh, please don’t go, please don’t’ go!'”
See original here:
American Idol Finalists React to Jermaine Jones Ousting