Amy Schumer Leaves $1,000 Tip for Bartenders at Hamilton!

Amy Schumer is not only one of the funniest people on the planet, she’s also one of the most generous. Over the weekend, the comedian, along with her boyfriend Ben Hanisch  plus a few friends, attended a performance of the Broadway musical Hamilton . (Lucky girl; the smash hit show is sold out for months.) Before the actors took the stage, she ordered drinks for her group and must’ve been extremely pleased with the service, because she left a whopping $1,000 tip on her $77 tab. Damn, why didn’t I get to wait on Amy Schumer in my restaurant days?! One of the bartenders, Sara Laursen, posted a pic of the gracious gratuity to Instagram. In the caption, Laursen wrote: “When you are told ‘@amyschumer wants to make sure you get this tip’. The first thing that came out of my mouth was ‘are you sure’? What an amazing person! I am speechless and grateful. #hamilton #amyschumer” The other bartender, Madeleine DeJohn, said she and her co-workers were completely stunned . “Our house manager gave us her order before the show and we filled it,” she told E! News. “Then at intermission, a member of her party came to the bar with another order and when he handed the receipt to my co-worker, he said ‘Amy wants to make sure you get this.’ My co-worker looked at it and didn’t know what to say.” “We’ve served a lot of celebrities at Hamilton and we’ve received some nice tips but never before had I seen a tip that even came close to this one,” added DeJohn. After the show, Schumer took this photo with the cast, which she shared to Instagram: The Trainwreck star recently returned to New York after a tropical beach vacation , where she had some fun in the sun with Hanisch and fellow comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Needless to say, it’s good to be a Hamilton bartender right about now, but it’s even better to be Amy Schumer. View Slideshow: 13 Reasons Why We Adore Amy Schumer

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Amy Schumer Leaves $1,000 Tip for Bartenders at Hamilton!

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