Happy Rosh Hashanah from Anthony Weiner, who got into an argument with a voter in a Jewish deli this morning and showed his true colors once again. Proving once and for all why he will never become mayor of New York City, Weiner lost it when a potential constituent suggested that he call it a campaign. Take a look at what the disgraced politician and self-described argumentative, perpetually horny man had to say about that in the amazing video below: Anthony Weiner Explodes at Jewish Voter Unhappy with the suggestion that he drop out, Weiner condescendingly called the man a “jackass” and repeatedly asked “who are you to judge me?” Pretty sure it’s the guy’s job to judge candidates for public office, but no matter. Weiner kept yapping and digging himself a deeper hole by the second. Incredibly, the voter had zero intention of backing down, instead OWNING Anthony Weiner for his lack of morals and self-serving political ambitions. Three words: Best. Campaigner. Ever. The guy at the deli, not Weiner. Anthony Weiner Takes on Critic New York’s Democratic primary is set for next Tuesday, September 10, at which point Weiner will finally be put out of his political misery. Count the days …
Excerpt from:
Anthony Weiner: OWNED By NYC Voter in Jewish Deli Argument!