Big Brother Recap: Is Josh Ready to Ditch Paul?

We think it’s fair to say that Big Brother 19 has featured some of most epic arguments in the history of Big Brother, and it’s making for a house divided.  When the episode got underway, Josh made his way to Jessica to let her know that she is not his target. Jessica was not about to bow down to him, so she mocked him once again.  Over the course of the summer, the pair has been at odds every step of the way, so it made sense that Jess would think Josh was trying to stir the pot.  Josh then lets her know that it’s only Cody he does not like, and Cody was in the room, so it was a rather ballsy move when you consider that Cody has immunity.  Jessica is not one to allow anyone to talk badly about her man of so many weeks, so she exits the conversation and brands it a big fat waste of time.  When it came to veto plans, Paul recalled that Christmas had the Ring of Replacement, and decided to use it to his advantage. He wanted her to use it in the event Cody’s name is called.  However, Paul revealed in the Diary Room that he wants Christmas to use it so that he can flush it out of the game so that she does not use it against him later.  Not one to listen to the leader, Christmas turned to Josh, and he told her not to use it so they can have it at their disposal later.  They tell Paul that they don’t want to use the power this week, but Paul turns the tables and reiterates that they absolutely need to send Jessica home or there will be hell to pay.  Christmas then says the best course of action is if Josh blinks at Christmas during the players being picked. That way she will know to use it.  When Cody’s name is picked, Josh blinks, and Christmas shuts him right out of the competition. This sends Jessica and Cody into a fit of despair as they realize the odds are stacked against them.  It’s the OTEV competition, and Elena is first out. Jessica is out second and starts crying again because she knows that means she is going home.  Mark ultimately wins the competition, meaning Josh needs to name a replacement nominee.  In the end, Josh puts up Raven, meaning she joins Elena and Jessica on the block.  It’s obvious that Jessica is going home, so there’s really no question about it.  Who do you want to go home? Sound off below! View Slideshow: Big Brother Winners: RANKED!

See the original post here:
Big Brother Recap: Is Josh Ready to Ditch Paul?

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