As you’ve likely heard by now, Bristol Palin will be joining the cast of Teen Mom OG for the show’s upcoming eighth season. Bristol is one of two new cast members replacing the fired Farrah Abraham , the other being former The Challenge star Cheyenne Floyd. But Farrah has become desperate in her efforts to remain relevant as of late, so perhaps it should come as no surprise that she decided to launch an attack against the more high profile of her usurpers. Yes, for about a month now, Farrah has been talking smack about Bristol every chance she gets. And of course, she’s been favoring the old “why are you so obsessed with me?!” card and accusing Bristol of biting her style. Bristol appeared on Jenny McCarthy’s Sirius XM show earlier this week, and the unhinged host showed little interest in vaccinating Palin from the infectious disease that is Farrah: “Farrah had said something about you, saying, ‘She looks like she wants to be me,’” McCarthy said At first, Palin was sympathetic and allowed for the possibility that she and Farrah have suffered similar mistreatment by the press: “Girlfriend. I watch the show. I kind of felt bad,” she said about Abraham. “I know how it feels to be judged off the bat. I feel like I walk into a room and people just whisper.” From there, Bristol went into mild shade-throwing mode, stating that she pities poor Farrah for the obvious difficulty she’s experiencing in her post-MTV life: “I watch the show. Maybe she’s just misunderstood. Poor girl, I feel so bad.” When McCarthy directly quoted Abraham as saying, “She’s trying to be me,” Palin finally lost it. “Girlfriend, you could not pay me to want to be anything like you,” Bristol said. “Honestly. No, I’m not trying to be like her.” From there, Bristol was off on a rant, confirming that those who have had actual interactions with Farrah share the opinion of those who have only watched her from afar — the girl is batsh-t crazy. “This is the only time I’m going to address it. I can’t stand people like that,” Bristol raged. “They are just searching for attention. So, it’s poke, poke, poke. No. You’re like that on the show because that’s how you are.” We didn’t think Farrah could sink any lower than she already had, but amazingly she’s found a way to look like the psychotic one in a feud with a freakin’ Palin. View Slideshow: Jeremy Calvert to Teen Mom Fans: Leave Farrah Abraham Alone!
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Bristol Palin Blasts Farrah Abraham: We Are NOTHING Alike!
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