Remember when Jenelle Evans first began dating David Eason, and lots of people were proud of her because they thought he was a good guy, or at least way better than the guys she’d been with before him? Boy, were they wrong. It’s kind of hard to imagine where people even got that idea to begin with, since he has a criminal record, was once in jail with Jenelle’s first husband, Courtland Rogers, and was only recently allowed to see his own son. Maybe because he’s so tall, some naive Teen Mom fans think he’s more mature? That’s the only thing we can come up with. Interestingly, Jenelle’s mother, the beloved Barbara Evans, has made it clear from the beginning that she thinks David is the worst person Jenelle’s ever been with . And he seems pretty intent on proving that lately. David and Jenelle got a whole lot of criticism last week when he shared a photo of her posing with a gun just a couple of hours after the news of the Florida shooting broke. She admitted that it was “bad timing,” but he refused to consider the possibility that perhaps the photo was a bit inappropriate, given the circumstances. Since then, he’s been going on and on about guns and gun control and guns guns guns. This morning, he shared a news story about the possibility of allowing those with concealed carry permits to bring guns onto school property, tweeting “It only makes sense to protect our kids the proper way… the only way we know how.” Someone replied, suggesting that instead of protecting our kids with guns, we protect them with “education,” and that it “starts with intentional parenting.” “No, you are wrong,” David wrote. “Please tell me sir, how do you propose we make all the people in America start being better parents? Or are you a monkeys uncle?” The same person suggested that David could start being a better parent by not “glorifying assault rifles” and by teaching his children “how to solve problems without calling people names or using force .” It’s great advice for him, right? But he really, really did not appreciate it. “And just what makes you think you have the right to tell me how to be a parent?” he responded. “Because you think you know me?” “Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.” Yep. He really tweeted that. Not only was that a hateful, offensive thing to say, but it’s also really embarrassing that David Eason thinks he is some kind of authority on parenting and good morals. Another person replied to that tweet, asking if David was going to teach his kids “to hate gay and transgender people.” “No, I’m going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way… If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas,” he answered. He also referred to gay and transgender people as “abominations.” It’s all just really, truly awful, but it’s not over yet … because someone rightfully called David homophobic, and he responded with this: “Homophobic? You really lost it now, im not scared if sh-t especially a homo.” When another person called him homophobic, he repeated himself, writing that he “never said anything about being scared if homos.” Someone told David that they have a lesbian daughter, and that she’s a great person, something that he doesn’t seem to think is possible. He hit back with “Well if she is lesbian than she wont be able to have kids right? Or she could adopt some troubled children and confuse them even more right?” And if you’re wondering how ignorant one person can be, don’t worry, he really laid it all out for us with this next revelation. “We dont watch the news buddy,” he told one of his followers in the middle of all this. “90% of every story is fake just to grab your attention and keep you on the channel long enough to see commercials.” Fake news , right? Right?! All of these remarks have Teen Mom fans pushing harder than ever to get David kicked off the show — there are petitions going around, and people are sending screenshots of the tweets to MTV producers. Unfortunately, we don’t see anything happening on that front. If David was fired, it doesn’t seem possible that Jenelle would be able to keep on filming, and if Jenelle didn’t film, there would be no show. Still … it’s pretty shocking how he manages to be more and more terrible every single day. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans: Her Complete, Completely Insane Soulmate History!
Original post:
David Eason Goes on Horrific Homophobic Rant: Will He Be Fired?!