Earlier this week, we reported that Farrah Abraham and Debra Danielsen haven’t spoken in over six months, If you watch Teen Mom online , you know that Farrah and Debra have never gotten along, but they’ve always stuck it out. So the news of their estrangement left many fans wondering what could have happened to cause them to go their separate ways. Now, it looks like we may know exactly what prompted the mother-daughter rift, and like every detail that’s deemed too disturbing for the Teen Mom cameras, it’s more than a little nauseating. As you may already know, Danielsen recently got engaged to a medical professional referred to on the show as “Dr. David.” The relationship between Farrah and Doc Dave has always been strained, and most fans assumed that Farrah was just taking out her barely concealed contempt for her mother on the new man in Deb’s life. But while it’s true that Farrah didn’t live David from the start, it now looks as though she may have had good reason for her snap judgment. As first reported by In Touch , Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, has made a shocking allegation on Twitter. Saran claims that David romantically pursued Farrah before he had any contact with Debra. When Farrah shot him down, he allegedly turned his attention to her mother, and the rest is history. It’s a fan theory that’s been circulating for several months, but Saran confirmed during a recent Twitter conversation with a Teen Mom fan page. “Is it true David tweeted [Farrah] first, but settled for Deb when she didn’t respond?” the admin asked Simon. “I’m afraid so!” Simon immediately replied. Now, Simon loves him some online trash talk, but his relationship with the truth isn’t always the greatest. So everything that he says should be taken with several grains of salt. It’s interesting, however, that no one involved in this incredibly awkward situation has refuted Simon’s claim. Farrah loves drama and borderline hates her parents, but she’s neither confirmed not denied Saran’s accusation. She just quietly cut off contact with her mother – right around the time Debra and David got engaged. For many, the situation brings to mind allegations that Matt Baier hit on Farrah and several other Teen Mom stars before eventually getting engaged to Amber Portwood. We might be witnessing the beginning of a truly gross new trend. View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham: A Ridiculous, Sometimes X-Rated Life in GIFs
See original here:
Debra Danielsen: Did Her Fiance Try to Date Farrah Abraham First?!