Derick Dillard: Begging Fans For Cash After Being Fired By TLC?!

Over the weekend, fans of the Duggar family were shocked to learn that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard had been fired by the TLC network. The move came in response to Dillard’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who is also the star of a TLC reality show. Dillard voiced his objections to Jennings lifestyle in a series of transphobic rants that frequently crossed the line into bullying and harassment. “What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Dillard tweeted back in August. Dillard persisted in his attacks on Jennings even after being criticized by numerous public figures and former fans of the Duggars. Bizarrely, despite no apparent provocation, Dillard picked up where he left off last week, once again haranguing the 17-year-old despite pleas for civility from fans and critics alike: “Jazz is being taken advantage of, as part of a larger agenda,” Derick argued in his unprompted tirade. “I hate seeing him used this way,” Derick continued, intentionally misgendering the teen. The fixation may seem entirely inexplicable to casual fans of the Duggars, but those who have watched the family closely these past few years are aware of an ugly truth: Derick has ambitions of rising above his status as one of the many Duggar in-laws, and it seems he’s decided to make a name for himself as an arch-conservative firebrand by beating up on Jazz. Of course, his plan backfired in spectacular fashion, and now Derick finds himself on the offensive. He took to Instagram today to practice two skills that will likely serve him well in his future career as a highly opinionated nobody–he offered a lame-brained defense of his earlier foolishness, and he begged for money from his social media followers. “Our culture has accepted two huge lies,” Derick wrote . “The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise conviction to be compassionate.” Yes, a grown man who was recently fired for bullying a teenage girl is now lecturing you on compassion. Welcome to 2017. From there, Derick did what he does best and groveled for cash. Dillard has a history of begging for money online, but these days, he’s clearly more desperate than ever. “BIG NEWS,” he latest hilariously began. “I am currently serving through a program at my home church, called the Cross Church School of Ministry! “I am so excited about this incredible opportunity for further ministry development, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me.” He added “I started a fundraiser on gofundme to raise the funding I need for various missions opportunities I will have throughout the year. I have a donations goal of $10,000. “This will enable me to fulfill my specific calling to ministry this year, including trips for Gospel-advancement and humanitarian work in Northwest Arkansas, North America, and abroad.” In the past, Derick has been kicked off all of the the fundraising sites that hosted his cash-grabs, and that’s probably the fate that awaits him here. Whatever the case, his pleas appear to be falling on deaf ears. His fundraising efforts appear to have stalled out at  $2,714. If this keeps up Derick will have to face the one thing he hates more than beloved teenage television stars–full-time employment. Watch Counting On online to relive D-Dill’s brief time in the spotlight. View Slideshow: Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Photos

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Derick Dillard: Begging Fans For Cash After Being Fired By TLC?!

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