Victoria Jackson has sounded off again. Last month, the former Saturday Night Live member sung about how Barack Obama is clearly a Communist . Now, in a column for World Net Daily, Jackson writes that “progressives, communists, liberals, globalists and Muslims want to destroy America” and then focuses on the most recent episode of Glee . It featured two male characters kissing, which led to this excerpt: Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians — again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of Glee — what’s your agenda? One-way tolerance? Did Jackson just label a gay kiss “sickening” and then call out Glee producers for being intolerant? Forget rain on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when one really needs a knife. This is ironic, don’t you think?
See more here:
Former SNL Cast Member Slams Glee for Intolerance, Gay Kiss