Tag Archives: male-characters

Aren’t There Better Things To Worry About Than Bert & Ernie? [OPINION]

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For the uninitiated, Bert and Ernie are two of the more recognizable puppets who appear on the PBS children’s program “Sesame Street.” The pair has been a staple on the program since it first aired in 1969. Change.org is a website that describes itself as “an online activism platform for social change that raises awareness about important causes and connects people to opportunities for powerful action.” It is utilized primarily, though not exclusively, by liberal causes. There are a variety of problems with Lair’s petition, which has more than 7,500 signatures. Older Women Marrying Younger Men Growing In Popularity First of all, it assumes Bert and Ernie were created and/or intended to project or promote homosexuality, an assumption Sesame Street strongly denies. In a statement on its Facebook site, Sesame Street insisted its puppets are not intended to have a sexual orientation. “Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets do), they remain puppets, and do not have sexual orientation,” the Sesame Street statement read. The assumptions we make, the conclusions to which we jump, reveal much about our perspective on life, or if you will, the hammers we haul around. People who sit around and contemplate the sexuality of puppets have way too much time on their hands.

Aren’t There Better Things To Worry About Than Bert & Ernie? [OPINION]

Former SNL Cast Member Slams Glee for Intolerance, Gay Kiss

Victoria Jackson has sounded off again. Last month, the former Saturday Night Live member sung about how Barack Obama is clearly a Communist . Now, in a column for World Net Daily, Jackson writes that “progressives, communists, liberals, globalists and Muslims want to destroy America” and then focuses on the most recent episode of Glee . It featured two male characters kissing, which led to this excerpt: Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians — again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of Glee — what’s your agenda? One-way tolerance? Did Jackson just label a gay kiss “sickening” and then call out Glee producers for being intolerant? Forget rain on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when one really needs a knife. This is ironic, don’t you think?

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Former SNL Cast Member Slams Glee for Intolerance, Gay Kiss

Robert Pattinson Talks Tyler, Looks Hot

Twilight Saga fans are in for a major shock this spring: Robert Pattinson will appear on the big screen in a very un-Edward-like role. As Tyler in Remember Me , Pattinson fights with his (human) father, deals with a tragedy and falls for a blonde. The actor spoke about the role in a new interview, explaining what drew him to the character: “I remember reading the script and thinking that I like the flow of the dialogue

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Robert Pattinson Talks Tyler, Looks Hot