Game of Thrones Spoilers: Is This Really How It Ends?

There's no other way to say this, other than to be as clear as we can be: Do not scroll down any further if you do not want to be spoiled about the way Game of Thrones concludes. We mean it. And we love page views here at The Hollywood Gossip, so we'd never say this unless it was true and urgent and necessary. Earlier this week, however, a lengthy post on the r/gottheories subreddit was quickly banned by moderators “due to multiple reports that it is likely from a leak.” Still, however, this banning took place long after plenty of readers had stumbled upon the theory — which does sound like far more than a theory. At the very least, this sounds like a plausible way for the series to end. Can we guarantee it? No. But you should stop reading right now if you do not want to read through a bunch of seemingly legitimate Game of Thrones spoilers. Okay? Got it? You've been warned. Here we go… 1. Remember What Emilia Clarke Said on Jimmy Kimmel Live? “Find the biggest TV you can,” said the actress behind the Mother of Dragons, telling the host Episode 5 is even more “insane” than any that aired before it. 2. And Now Maybe We Know Why According to this Reddit post, Arya, the Hound, and Jaime Lannister all infiltrate King’s Landing through the sewers in Episode 5 — and Jaime is imprisoned in the Red Keep. 3. Poor Varys At Dragonstone, meanwhile, Daenerys realizes that Varys plans to betray her. 4. YIKES! So Dany puts Varys and Tyrion on trial, leading to Varys being burned alive … while Tyrion is spared. 5. Sansa vs. Dany Dany also discovers that it was Sansa who revealed Jon’s true identity, setting up their conflict on the series finale. 6. To the Possible Rescue During the Battle of King’s Landing, Yara Greyjoy’s fleet joins in the fight. View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones Spoilers: Is This Really How It Ends?

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