Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta may not return with new episodes for several months. But at least one cast member from this VH1 reality show doesn’t need the cameras to be rolling in order to bring home some drama. Isn’t that right, Jessica Dime? According to a random celebrity gossip site named Fameolous, the reality star and popular Instagram presence is at the center of a new sex tape. It was released by an equally random rapper named Lody Lucci as some kind of revenge against Dime supposedly finding romance with former NBA player Shawne Williams. We can’t show you any of the Jessica Dime sex tape footage here because it is EXTREMELY not safe for work (or even some homes), … but one of the opening shots from the footage features a woman with a lower back tattoo that looks just like the one on Dime’s body. Why did Lucci leak this X-Rated video? Insiders claim that he and Dime were a romantic item; until, that is, Williams came into the picture. So it’s a classic case of Boy Meets Girl; Boy Falls for Girl; Girl Cheats on Boy with a 6’9″ NBA Journeyman; Boy Gets Payback by Unveiling Sex Tape of Girl. We cannot confirm that Lucci is the man seemingly sticking it to Dime in the sex tape, but it’s very safe to assume that he and Jessica made the home video together. And Dime isn’t really denying it, either. Which is not to say she’s bothered by the existence of the sex tape. Or by the rumors that a sex tape of her and Lucci is out there, possibly on the verge of hitting the open market. Consider her response on Twitter when asked about it: It’s (mostly) true. We do all have sex. It’s also (mostly) true that nigg… nevermind. As for her relationship with Williams? Is she worried that footage of her taking it from another man might put a damper on this relatively new and intense romance? Nope! Not one bit! We should all have this much confidence, shouldn’t we? In both ourselves and in our relationships? Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 6 is currently in production. It is expected to air in the spring of 2017. Somewhere, producers are high-fiving over some pretty rich material. It’s almost as if they may have scripted it this way, huh? Meanwhile, if Jessica Dime is starring in a new sex tape, you can take a look below at the naked company she’ll be joining… View Slideshow: 23 Celebrities Who Are Also Amateur Porn Stars
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Jessica Dime Sex Tape: Will It Hit the Market?