Joe Giudice to Teresa: Do NOT Come to Italy!

Well, it finally happened. After months of appealing his deportation ruling, The Real Housewives of New Jersey star  Joe Giudice has been shipped off to Italy . Insiders say Joe plans to continue fighting for his right to live in America, but from now on, he’ll be waging that battle from his new home in Naples. Joe doesn’t speak Italian, and doesn’t know anyone in Italy, so it won’t be easy for him to build a new life for himself in the country of his birth. Fortunately, he won’t be undertaking the task entirely on his own. Joe was met in Italy by his mother and brother, who set up a home for him in preparation for his arrival. Throughout the ordeal of his imprisonment and subsequent detainment by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Joe repeatedly stated that the worst part was being separated from his four daughters. So he must have been overjoyed by the news that the girls will be visiting him in Naples. Gia announced the visit on Instagram over the weekend. The 18-year-old college student (above) posted this photo of Joe and his brother (below), along with a caption reading: “So happy your together right now.. enjoy see you in a few weeks daddy.” And it seems the girls won’t be making their transcontinental journey alone. Insiders say Teresa Giudice will be traveling to Italy  in the very near future – but it seems she’s not motivated purely by her love for Joe. According to a new report from Radar Online, Teresa will receive a massive bonus from Bravo for going to Naples and filming for TV. That’s right, she’s driven strongly by the appeal of the almighty dollar. Gotta reunite on The Real Housewives of New Jersey with Joe! The trip across the Atlantic has the potential to be intensely awkward for a number of reasons, if you stop and think about it. For starters, it’s been made clear that  Teresa still plans to divorce Joe  and has already been dating a much younger man named Blake Schreck. On top of that, it seems that both Joe and his family would prefer that Teresa simply stay home in the Garden State. “Joe’s mom and brother have told him that Teresa should not be allowed to see him in Italy,” one insider tells Radar. “They have talked to him about the cheating claims, and how she hasn’t respected him at all since he was locked up,” the insider adds. Apparently, Joe’s mother and brother basically held an anti-Teresa intervention, and it’s beginning to have the desired effect on Joe: “Joe’s mom and brother have hammered him on his terrible relationship with his wife,” the celebrity gossip site’s insider claims. “They do not like Teresa at all, and they don’t think she should come to Italy when she hardly ever went to prison to see him.” It’s hard to believe that Joe would still want Teresa to visit him overseas now that she’s got one foot out the door. Or both.  View Slideshow: Teresa Giudice: Filing For Divorce Once Joe Gets Deported?! She’s essentially confirmed that she was u8nfaithful during his time in prison and is now banging someone else. Kinda savage. Of course, it’s possible that the taping could mean big Bravo bucks for Joe, as well – and, well, from the way things sound … Guy could use all the help he can get these days. #justsayin

Continued here:
Joe Giudice to Teresa: Do NOT Come to Italy!

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