Megyn Kelly has joined her Fox News colleague in calling out two other Fox News colleagues. Earlier this week, Lou Dobbs and Erick Erickson reacted in horror to a Pew survey that reported how prominent a role female breadwinners are playing in the country these days. Erickson argued that the results are “anti-science” and that the male ought to play the “dominant role” in a family… while “having moms as the primary breadwinner is bad for kids and bad for marriage.” Following Greta Van Susteren’s Tweeting shock and outrage over such comments, Megyn Kelly invited Dobbs and Erickson on her show today – and let them have it! Safe to say the following exchange is a TKO, don’t you think? Megyn Kelly Slams Erick Erickson and Lou Dobbs Where do you stand? Are an abundance of female breadwinners bad for the country? Yes, we’re doomed! WTH are these guys talking about?!? View Poll »
Megyn Kelly Slams Erick Erickson for Views on Women, Earning Power