In an interview that will air on ABC’s Nightline this evening, Capri Anderson says Charlie Sheen wrapped his hands around her neck and used many racial slurs. But that’s far from all. The porn star admitted to George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America today that she was offered $3,500 to be Charlie Sheen’s escort on October 25. Insisting this money was for her company, not her vagina, Anderson was joined by her lawyer and said she plans to sue Sheen for battery and false imprisonment. Why didn’t Capri initially tell police about lamps being thrown her way and death threats being issued, two of the allegations she elaborates on during the interview? Watch her answer in this video and decide whether or not she’s credible: Capri Anderson on GMA Anderson claims she was sitting on a coffee table in Sheen’s hotel room when the Two and a Half Men star began “snorting a white powdery substance.” Was she there willingly? Was there a bit of romance? Yes and yes. But then Sheen “started throwing things. He threw a lamp. That was the first thing he picked up. And he threw it across the room at me… I became very shocked, scared.” But why did Capri call a friend, instead of the cops, after locking herself in the bathroom following this incident? She says she was in shock, “crying and embarrassed.” Anderson added that Sheen called the next day after offered money for her silence (“He apologized for his behavior and the entire evening, I guess,” she says). Reports indicate the amount offered was $20,000. While many aspects of this story are curious, attorney Keith Davidson summed it up thusly: “There’s certain things that no one can deny about that evening. One person was brought away from that hospital against their will, and it was Mr. Sheen.”
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More from Capri Anderson: Death Threats, Cocaine Snorting, $20,000 Payoff Alleged