Celebrities have joined many on Twitter who are outraged over the viral video of a police officer placing a student under violent arrest. The incident took place at in Columbia, South Carolina. The disturbing footage (featured below) depicts a white officer (identified as Ben Fields) grabbing an African-American young women who is sitting at her desk. Fields grabs her from the desk, causing it to topple over, and then drags her across the room. According to various report, he had been called to the classroom due to the student’s unruly behavior, though she’s sitting calmly at her desk when the arrest takes place. It has also been reported that a second student was taken into custody for attempting to intervene. The Richland County Sheriff’s Department says Fields, a deputy and the school’s resource officer, has been placed on administrative leave as the situation is investigated. In response, the hashtag “#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh” trended across the United States on Monday evening, with multiple stars responding to the shocking arrest on Twitter. “I can’t unsee what I just saw,” wrote Olivia Spencer, while Olivia Wilde added three words: “Disgusting and shameful.” Cher also chimed in with “Teen girl in classrm thrown around like rag doll. Every1 on TV saying ‘we can’t see what she did b4 video’ Who gives a flying Fk!! She’s a CHILD” and Charlie Sheen certainly did not think Fields was winning. “I won’t even offer you the dignity or recognition to print your name. You are a blight on the honor of your badge,” wrote the actor. Watch the VERY troubling footage below and sound off with your reaction now.
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Officer Violently Arrests Student in Classroom, Stars React