Tag Archives: richland-county

Officer Violently Arrests Student in Classroom, Stars React

Celebrities have joined many on Twitter who are outraged over the viral video of a police officer placing a student under violent arrest. The incident took place at in Columbia, South Carolina. The disturbing footage (featured below) depicts a white officer (identified as Ben Fields) grabbing an African-American young women who is sitting at  her desk. Fields grabs her from the desk, causing it to topple over, and then drags her across the room. According to various report, he had been called to the classroom due to the student’s unruly behavior, though she’s sitting calmly at her desk when the arrest takes place. It has also been reported that a second student was taken into custody for attempting to intervene. The Richland County Sheriff’s Department says Fields, a deputy and the school’s resource officer, has been placed on administrative leave as the situation is investigated. In response, the hashtag “#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh” trended across the United States on Monday evening, with multiple stars responding to the shocking arrest on Twitter. “I can’t unsee what I just saw,” wrote Olivia Spencer, while Olivia Wilde added three words: “Disgusting and shameful.” Cher also chimed in with “Teen girl in classrm thrown around like rag doll. Every1 on TV saying ‘we can’t see what she did b4 video’ Who gives a flying Fk!! She’s a CHILD” and Charlie Sheen certainly did not think Fields was winning. “I won’t even offer you the dignity or recognition to print your name. You are a blight on the honor of your badge,” wrote the actor. Watch the VERY troubling footage below and sound off with your reaction now.

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Officer Violently Arrests Student in Classroom, Stars React

Idiot Carjacker Arrested by Plainclothes Cop, Blames Dark Knight Rises Script

The city of Pittsburgh has Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises production to thank for making it snow in summer and giving newlyweds an unforgettable Kodak moment . Now, in the grand spirit of the Dark Knight Catwoman robber , comes news that a Pittsburgh man was arrested for carjacking in the name of Batman. Isn’t this viral marketing going a little too far, fellas?

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Idiot Carjacker Arrested by Plainclothes Cop, Blames Dark Knight Rises Script

Likes: Hanson, Being Lazy — Is This Your Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pirate?

Today, after four months of investigation, Summit Entertainment released a press release identifying the young woman who allegedly stole photos and video of Bill Condon ‘s unfinished Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn back in March and leaked the images and screen grabs on the Internet. The investigation spanned four continents and the studio has filed civil action in two countries and criminal action in one. But enough with the boring legal details! After the jump, Movieline conducts its own high tech Facebook research on the woman who allegedly released those Bella/Edward sex pics .

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Likes: Hanson, Being Lazy — Is This Your Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pirate?

Shawshank Redemption Tree Severely Hurt in Storm

Today in slow news, a tree was injured. But not just any tree — the picturesque oak featured at the end of the Oscar-nominated drama The Shawshank Redemption , as the location where Red (Morgan Freeman) uncovers money and a note from his beloved inmate buddy Andy (Tim Robbins) after 40 years of imprisonment. No word yet on whether the tree, damaged by high-speed winds and now rotted in the middle, will be cut down. It sits on private property in Mansfield-Richland County, Ohio. [ Mansfield News Journal ]

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Shawshank Redemption Tree Severely Hurt in Storm

End Of D*mn Days: Ohio Police Say 10-Year Old Is Suspected To Have Murked His Mom

“Back in the days our parents used to take care of us, look at ‘em now, they even f*ckin scared of us”-Notorious B.I.G (Things Done Changed) A 10-year-old boy is in juvenile custody after telling a neighbor that he had shot and killed his mother, an Ohio sheriff said Monday. Deborah McVay, 46, was found dead of a single gunshot wound to the head Sunday night in Big Prairie, located about midway between Cleveland and Columbus, said Holmes County Sheriff Tim Zimmerly. Paramedics found McVay lying facedown on her living room floor, and she was pronounced dead at the scene, Zimmerly said. Authorities went to the home after a neighbor called a sheriff’s dispatcher to say McVay’s son had come to her home and said he had just shot his mother. McVay’s body was transported to the Stark County Coroner’s office for an autopsy. The sheriff said McVay’s 15-year-old daughter is currently staying with relatives. It is unclear whether she witnessed the shooting. The 10-year-old boy is being held in Richland County Juvenile Detention and will appear in court Monday afternoon. A woman who answered the phone at McVay’s home said she had no comment and hung up. Authorities are investigating what may have caused the shooting. Its sad as hell that this tragedy has ruined 2 lives. One day this little boy is going to regret killing his mother in the worst way, and by that time it will probably be WAY too late. SMH Source

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End Of D*mn Days: Ohio Police Say 10-Year Old Is Suspected To Have Murked His Mom