Taylor Swift: Does Her Squad Hate Tom Hiddleston?!

Obviously, Taylor Swift is best known as a multi-platinum recording artist, lover of cats , and living testament to the power of hair straightening. But when it comes to the gossip about her personal life, there are two types of Taylor conversations: The first and most obvious has to do with Taylor’s romantic relationships with famous men. The other has to do with Taylor’s squad , or “#Squad” as it’s sometimes known. Now, it looks like those two conversations may become one, as Swift’s highly-publicized relationship with Tom Hiddleston  has attracted the ire of some key squad members In case you’re somehow unaware, the squad is an A-list chick clique comprised of Taylor’s scores of famous friends. View Slideshow: Taylor Swift Squad Members: An Official Who’s Who! As the “Bad Blood” music video demonstrated, they will straight up murder your ass if you mess with Queen Tay. We’re speaking figuratively, of course, but we wouldn’t put it past them to actually straight up whack someone like the guy who told Joe Pesci to got get his shinebox in Goodfellas . Taylor Swift – Bad Blood (Music Video) All of this is to say that it’s not a good time to be Tom Hiddleston. According to Star magazine Karlie Kloss, Blake Lively, Gigi Hadid and Ruby Rose have all unfollowed Tom on Twitter, which is the 2016 equivalent of leaving a severed horse head in someone’s bed. (Okay, we promise that’s the end of the mob movie analogies.) Surprisingly, the anti-Hiddles uprising was reportedly initiated by Taylor’s brother, Austin, who has shown himself to be intensely protective of the singer in the past. Sources tell Star that the reason Taylor’s inner circle is so anti-Tom is that they believe his romantic intentions aren’t pure and that he’s using her in the most callous way. But apparently, they don’t suspect him of using her to boost his career as so many others have suggested. View Slideshow: Tom Hiddleston: 8 Things to Know About Taylor Swift’s New Bae Instead, they think Tom is dating Taylor as an elaborate act of revenge. Hiddleston dated Ashley Olsen for a brief period last year, and the squad reportedly believes he’s pretending to be head-over-heels with Taylor in order to make her jealous. Swift is said to be totally unaware of the con: “Tom’s charming and he knows exactly how to work Taylor,” a source tells the tabloid. “They could very well be on to something.” Or maybe they just really hated Loki in all those Marvel movies.  The world may never know! View Slideshow: 14 Famous Dudes Who Have Dated Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift: Does Her Squad Hate Tom Hiddleston?!

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