This Toddler Just Called the Cops on His Dad

Dialing 911 is not a laughing matter. This is an emergency assistance line that must be kept open unless one or someone one knows is actually in need of emergent assistance. But Robbie Richardson has made it impossible for readers not to at least have a chuckle over his recent actions. A five-year old resident of Massachusetts, Richardson recently called authorities… on his father… because he ran a red light. “He tells me, ‘Hey Dad, you just went through a red light,’” Robbie’s father, Michael Richardson, told CBS Boston. “And I said, ‘No Robbie, you can go through that one as long as you stop and there’s nobody coming you can go.’ “He says, ‘No you can’t. That light was red.’ So we get into the car wash and he says, ‘I’m going to call the police.’” And then Robbie really did call the police! You can hear portions of said call in the video below. “My daddy went past a red light,” Robbie told the 911 operator. “He has a black truck. He was in the brand new car, my mommy’s car.” “And then what happened?” the dispatcher inquired. “And he had to go to the car wash and then he went past the red light,” Robbie replied. The police then asked to speak to Michael, who apologized; both for his actions and for those of his son. “Everyone follows the rules, but not Daddy,” Robbie told the Boston Globe, adding that if it happened again, he wouldn’t call the police. “I’ll call the eye doctor so he can fix his eyes.” This little guy (who wants to be a police officer when he grows up) rules.

See more here:
This Toddler Just Called the Cops on His Dad

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