With Jesus Not on the Ballot, Duggar Family Endorses Rick Santorum For President

GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has received a celebrity endorsement on the day of the Iowa caucuses. Or 19 of them, to be precise: The Duggar Family! The TLC reality family joined the ultraconservative candidate in Iowa on the campaign trail, where he’s battling Ron Paul and Mitt Romney with mere hours to go. Confession time, though: Santorum is not their first choice. “You may not agree with everything [Santorum] has done,” Jim Bob Duggar said. “But you’re not going to find the perfect candidate unless it’s Jesus Christ running.” Santorum, to the family patriarch, is the next best thing. “He’s somebody that doesn’t take a poll to know where he stands. I’m asking families, Christians all over America, to get behind Rick Santorum for president.” Duggar made his comments in Iowa, where he arrived after packing up a dozen of his kids in a big tour bus, freshly repainted to include Santorum’s name. His wife, Michelle, recovering from the miscarriage of their 20th child , remained home in Arkansas, though is still doing her part, making calls for Santorum’s bid. Jim said he particularly admires Santorum’s stances on abortion and other social issues. “He has a proven track record,” Duggar said in an interview . “He’s a proven Christian Conservative. He has always done what’s right.” “He is somebody that goes and really just votes from his heart and votes on conviction, votes on things based on the Constitution of the United States and the Bible.” “That’s the kind of man we want to support.” So much for separation of church and state.

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With Jesus Not on the Ballot, Duggar Family Endorses Rick Santorum For President

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