‘Don’t Be Scared’ Empire Finale Recap With Rapper Bre-Z A.K.A. Freda Gatz

“Don’t Be Scared” Empire Finale Recap After last night’s “Empire” fall finale Danni and David recap the episode that includes THAT explosive final scene where [spoiler] gets pushed down the steps. Was it Thirsty? A jilted ex-lover? Or maybe the culprit really is who everyone thinks it is… Rapper Bre-Z who plays Freda Gatz on the show then stops by to chat with the crew about the finale, her demands for her character’s portrayal, her bond on and off set with Terrence Howard and her thoughts on being compared to Dej Loaf and Fantasia.   Listen to the latest episode of “Don’t Be Scared” above! @BreZOfficial @BossipDBS @MrHipHopObama @DavidDTSS @DanniCanada

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‘Don’t Be Scared’ Empire Finale Recap With Rapper Bre-Z A.K.A. Freda Gatz

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