In the world of The Simpsons, Fox News' well-known “fair and balanced” motto has been replaced. On Sunday's episode of the long-running cartoon series, a Fox News helicopter carrying a network executive reads, “Fox News: Not Racists, But #1 With Racists.” After the Fox News executive steps out of the helicopter into the head of the Statue of Liberty, the aircraft goes into a tailspin and crashes. The pilot can be heard saying, “It's not fair, we're unbalanced.” The executive conducts a secret meeting where his team plans a new health care scare that will send their ratings through the roof. Gawker calls The Simpsons episode one of the most anti-Republican ever. At one point in the episode, the likeness of former Vice President Dick Cheney laments the lack of terrorist attacks on America. The creators of the popular television show may cause for concern. Just last week, a Fox News anchor effectively said that all Hispanics were illegal aliens. The anchor, Trace Gallagher, claimed that a new study has shown 100,000 illegal aliens have left Arizona since the passage of a draconian new law, SB 1070, that allows police to check the immigration status of anyone they pull over. “The way they got the numbers is they crunched them using the current US population survey and then they had numbers from the Mexican government, is what they came up with, is that 100,000 illegals have left Arizona — there are 100,000 illegals fewer before SB 1070 was ever talked about,” Gallagher said. Only that's not what the study says. The study actually says that the immigration law in Arizona has likely provoked the voluntary departure of 100,000 Hispanics from the southern US state. This video is from Fox's The Simpsons, broadcast Nov. 21, 2010. added by: treewolf39