Adulterymania: Bray Wyatt’s Wife Says He’s Splurging With Child Support Money On Ponies For Ringside Sidechick Jojo

Bray Wyatt Reneges On Child Support Order, Buys His Side Chick Horses Where’s the baby’s diaper money Bray??? Remember when we introduced this WWE affair to you last year ? Bray Wyatt is a huge wrestling star, 31, who cheated on his caucasian wife Samantha with a ringside side piece name Jojo. Apparently, Jojo and STILL MARRIED Bray are still a thing, and Bray has been neglecting his kids in the midst of their affair. Per a court judgment, Wyatt (Windham Rotunda) was ordered to pay Samantha $14,735 per month in spousal support, with an upfront payment of $50,000 to cover legal expenses. However, Wyatt has only been paying his wife $6,000, nearly two-and-a-half times less than the court-ordered amount. Instead he’s been steady buying gifts for his WWE coworker Jojo Offerman, according to a court doc obtained by Daily Mail . He’s allegedly bought Jojo horse, bikinis and spent frivolously on dining out. Wyatt spent more than $11,000 on “non-necessary” items between December 20, 2017 and January 4, 2018, despite owing money to Samantha. Items included on this list were $5,006.27 on miniature horses $533.93 on jewelry “not for his wife” at Diamonds Direct on 12/21. $112.79 at a Miami bar, $139.60 at burlesque club E11even, and $285 at Tootsie’s strip club on 01/02, as well as $118.48 at Stillwaters Tavern and $171.20 on women’s swimwear at Cerulean Blu on 01/04. Wyatt also arrived in a black Dodge Challenger muscle car to their mediation session. The starting price of Challengers of this fashion, according to the report, is $28,995. Samantha and Bray are reportedly working out this child support drama in mediation. THe two have two children under 5. Just pay the woman, Bray. You got it!  

See the article here:

Adulterymania: Bray Wyatt’s Wife Says He’s Splurging With Child Support Money On Ponies For Ringside Sidechick Jojo

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