In a new, spoiler-ish Dark Knight Rises piece over at Hero Complex, Anne Hathaway manages to stoke fanboy flames with talk of her Catwoman ‘s sleek gadgetry while invoking the name of screen siren (and Movieline heroine ) Hedy Lamarr. Now that’s good media management. See if her four-quadrant Catwoman chat hits you in all the right places, too. First, the stuff to get your inner techie fanboy a-tingling. “I love the costume because everything has a purpose,” Hathaway says of her costume, which is described as including razor-tipped stilettos and goggles that “flip up and resemble feline ears.” “Nothing is in place for fantasy’s sake.” Well, I wouldn’t say that . [ GALLERY: Catwoman’s look through the decades — who wore it best? ] And then, something for the ladies, the lovers of ladies, and anyone enamored of old school Hollywood glamour — a touch of the noir-ish femme fatale, perhaps, as channeled via the influence of a woman who influenced the original Catwoman, the inimitable Hedy Lamarr: “I know this sounds odd, but her breathing is extraordinary. She takes these long, deep, languid breaths and exhales slowly. There’s a shot of her in [the 1933 film] ‘Ecstasy’ exhaling a cigarette and I took probably five breaths during her one exhale. So I started working on my breathing a lot.” So far, so good if you ask me. I want a Catwoman who’s equal parts high tech and snarlingly seductive, forward-thinking without losing the slink of the Catwomen who’ve come before. What say you, Bat fans? • ‘Dark Knight Rises’ star Anne Hathaway: ‘Gotham City is full of grace’ [Hero Complex]
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Anne Hathaway Reveals Catwoman’s Glam Hollywood Role Model: Hedy Lamarr