Tag Archives: gotham-city

Mariah Carey Has Joined The Cast Of ‘The Lego Batman Movie’ — Yes, Really

Mariah Carey will be voicing Gotham City’s mayor in “The Lego Batman Movie.”

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Mariah Carey Has Joined The Cast Of ‘The Lego Batman Movie’ — Yes, Really

Mariah Carey Has Joined The Cast Of ‘The Lego Batman Movie’ — Yes, Really

Mariah Carey will be voicing Gotham City’s mayor in “The Lego Batman Movie.”

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Mariah Carey Has Joined The Cast Of ‘The Lego Batman Movie’ — Yes, Really

Bat Pussy: The Mams, The Myth, The Legend [VIDEO]

Think you’ve seen everything? Trust us, you haven’t- not until you’ve seen the vintage Bat-porn Bat Pussy . Emerging from the deep, deep South circa 1973, Bat Pussy is a snaggle-toothed, foul-mouthed, fluffy muff-ed avenger who doesn’t mind if people are fucking in her “Holy Gotham City,” per se– she’s just pissed she wasn’t invited. And the bouncy ball? Yeah, we don’t know what’s up with that either. Need to bleach your brain of the cinematrocity that is Bat Pussy ? Might we suggest one of Mr. Skin’s patented playlists , like Bottomless Scenes , The Greatest Solo Shower Scenes or Mr. Skin’s Top 10 Favorite Celebrity Breasts ?

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Bat Pussy: The Mams, The Myth, The Legend [VIDEO]

The Dark Knight Rises: Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway (Plus Donald Trump & Gloria Steinem) Hit Gotham Premiere

The stars of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises descended upon NYC — the O.G. Gotham City — to premiere the Batman trilogy finale Monday night, with some surprise guest celebs hitting the red carpet alongside Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Wonder how red carpet guest Donald Trump enjoyed the flick, which sees the hulking villain Bane encourage the 99% to rise up and topple the system into ruin? Or if Hathaway shared the secrets of her Catwoman costume with feminist icon Gloria Steinem ? Those snaps and more in Movieline’s TDKR premiere gallery … Click the happiness below for more images . Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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The Dark Knight Rises: Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway (Plus Donald Trump & Gloria Steinem) Hit Gotham Premiere

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer: Batman Isn’t Afraid, He’s Angry

Bane disturbs, Catwoman flips out and other key scenes from new clip. By Kevin P. Sullivan and Josh Wigler Tom Hardy as Bane in ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Photo: With ” The Dark Knight Rises ” so close and scalpers asking for upwards of $150 for tickets , anticipation for the conclusion to Christopher Nolan ‘s Batman trilogy just reached a fever pitch, and now a new trailer has debuted on a Nokia mobile app, showing off new footage and effectively pushing us past our maximum capacity for excitement. Warning: The article contains minor spoilers. Here are five key scenes from the new “Dark Knight Rises” trailer: An Army Rising It was never a secret that Bane intended to amass an army once he reached Gotham City, since most of the ad campaigns have focused on the final, epic battle between the mercenaries and the police. The new shot featured in the trailer, however, showing a full-fledged army storming the streets of Gotham, gives a better sense of the scale of the uprising. This is going to be a war — not just a big fist fight. Bane actually does have an army at his command, and they’re sacking Gotham, as another villainous group had once discussed doing. ‘I’m Not Afraid. I’m Angry.’ In the last trailer, Selina Kyle suggested that John Blake should be as afraid of Bane as she is. Bruce, on the other hand, is not taking her advice. With so much of the promotional material focusing on what’s new to “The Dark Knight Rises,” Batman gets a little lost in the shuffle. This single line gives us an interesting insight into the mind of Bruce, something that has pretty much remained a mystery. Bane blows stuff up, and Selina Kyle steals things, but what’s going on with the Batman? ‘Mr. Wayne’ Given that Bane has been seen parading around with Batman’s shattered mask in his hands in numerous teasers and trailers gone by, it makes sense that the venom-fueled terrorist would eventually learn the Caped Crusader’s secret identity. Still, hearing Bane utter the words “Mr. Wayne” accomplishes the goal of sending shivers directly down the viewers’ spine. This monstrosity of a man knows Bruce’s greatest secret, and he’ll wield that information with the same painful precision we assume he’ll bring down upon our hero’s back later in the film. Catwoman Flips This might not be so relevant to the story, but Selina Kyle does a backflip … out of sight … in a maid’s outfit. In the battle to make Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman a more imposing and badass character, the backflip certainly helps her case. She’s come a long way since the day when the Internet openly mocked her costume design. Now she’s fighting alongside Batman, stealing Ferraris and backflipping in a maid’s outfit. Touch

The Dark Knight Rises Viral Campaign Harnesses the Power of Graffiti

With The Dark Knight Rises release fast approaching, Warner Bros. has launched their latest bit of buzz-driving viral marketing by teasing a brand-new trailer for the July release. But in order to see that trailer, Bat-fans must first “help” the Gotham City Police Department “find” Batman by tracking hundreds of pieces of Bat-graffiti strategically placed around the world; for each bit of graffiti located and tagged via social media, Warner Bros. will unveil the new trailer one frame at a time . Graffiti: it’s not just for Oscar-nominees anymore! Tucked away in a dossier containing Batman’s GCPD criminal file (posted to TheDarkKnightRises.com ) are documents detailing where Batman stands following the events of The Dark Knight : Namely, at the top of the city’s hit list, having taken the rap for murder, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. In a viral call to action cleverly disguised as a police memo, “officers” (that’s you, Bat-fans) are directed to find pieces of pro-Batman graffiti stenciled across Gotham City (that’s every box office-targeted metropolis, right?) in an effort to stamp out grassroots support for the caped crusader. “Officers should also be directed to report any and all information pertaining to the investigation to the designated contact (#tdkr07202012 or tdkr07202012@gothampolicedepartment.com). This includes submitting photographic evidence of graffiti related to any movement in support of the vigilante’s return so we can suppress it before it becomes a problem. Officers should make sure that location services or store location is on in their camera settings.” The campaign has already unlocked a number of frames from the trailer (see below, courtesy Coming Soon): I’m sure Warner Bros. doesn’t endorse graffiti — except in bat form, and leading up to July 20, 2012, and in chalk, of course. And it’s a brilliant way to get fans in a tizzy over seeing a trailer ONE FREAKING FRAME AT A TIME. But isn’t this guy who shaved the Bat-signal into his facial hair (via Reddit) just as effective a piece of viral marketing? Move over, Movember! It’s time for… Bat-stache-uly? [via Coming Soon ]

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The Dark Knight Rises Viral Campaign Harnesses the Power of Graffiti

Anne Hathaway Reveals Catwoman’s Glam Hollywood Role Model: Hedy Lamarr

In a new, spoiler-ish Dark Knight Rises piece over at Hero Complex, Anne Hathaway manages to stoke fanboy flames with talk of her Catwoman ‘s sleek gadgetry while invoking the name of screen siren (and Movieline heroine ) Hedy Lamarr. Now that’s good media management. See if her four-quadrant Catwoman chat hits you in all the right places, too. First, the stuff to get your inner techie fanboy a-tingling. “I love the costume because everything has a purpose,” Hathaway says of her costume, which is described as including razor-tipped stilettos and goggles that “flip up and resemble feline ears.” “Nothing is in place for fantasy’s sake.” Well, I wouldn’t say that . [ GALLERY: Catwoman’s look through the decades — who wore it best? ] And then, something for the ladies, the lovers of ladies, and anyone enamored of old school Hollywood glamour — a touch of the noir-ish femme fatale, perhaps, as channeled via the influence of a woman who influenced the original Catwoman, the inimitable Hedy Lamarr: “I know this sounds odd, but her breathing is extraordinary. She takes these long, deep, languid breaths and exhales slowly. There’s a shot of her in [the 1933 film] ‘Ecstasy’ exhaling a cigarette and I took probably five breaths during her one exhale. So I started working on my breathing a lot.” So far, so good if you ask me. I want a Catwoman who’s equal parts high tech and snarlingly seductive, forward-thinking without losing the slink of the Catwomen who’ve come before. What say you, Bat fans? • ‘Dark Knight Rises’ star Anne Hathaway: ‘Gotham City is full of grace’ [Hero Complex]

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Anne Hathaway Reveals Catwoman’s Glam Hollywood Role Model: Hedy Lamarr

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Star Anne Hathaway Talks Catwoman

‘It’s just a matter of doing your homework and getting underneath the character’s skin,’ actress says. By Kevin P. Sullivan Anne Hathaway in “The Dark Knight Rises” Photo: Warner Bros While it may feel like the trailers and photos from “The Dark Knight Rises” have shown us a lot from Christopher Nolan ‘s third and supposed final trip to Gotham City, we have yet to see that much from Catwoman. After spy photos from the set forced their hand, Warner Bros. released an early look at Anne Hathaway ‘s take on Gotham’s most notorious cat burglar astride the Batpod, but aside from that photo and her brief but enticing appearance in the theatrical trailer, Selina Kyle’s role in “Rises” remains a mystery. Hathaway did, however, open up to the L.A. Times ‘ Hero Complex during a visit to the London set of “The Dark Knight Rises.” She spoke at length about why she loves her so-far divisive costume and how her Catwoman fits into Nolan’s Gotham. Check out our photo analysis of Hathaway’s Catwoman. When Warner Bros. released the first photo of Hathaway in full Catwoman attire, fan reaction ranged from full-fledged support to outright hatred. Hathaway has always stood by the costume’s unusual take on the classic look, and she once again made her case to Hero Complex. “I love the costume because everything has a purpose,” she said. “Nothing is in place for fantasy’s sake, and that’s the case with everything in Christopher Nolan’s Gotham City.” Once Hathaway won the highly coveted role, she dove deep into research, taking in Catwoman’s classic comic book appearance and the original inspirations Bob Kane and Bill Finger used to create the character. Hathaway said she drew inspiration from actress Hedy Lamarr to help shape her performance. “[Lamarr] takes these long, deep, languid breaths and exhales slowly,” Hathaway said. “There’s a shot of her in [the 1933 film] ‘Ecstasy’ exhaling a cigarette and I took probably five breaths during her one exhale. So I started working on my breathing a lot.” From there, a lot of the heavy lifting belonged to Nolan and his brother Jonathan, who co-wrote the script with the director. According to Hathaway, this Catwoman follows the pattern set by Nolan’s other Gotham City residents. “You look at Heath’s performance as the Joker, there was a lot of madness there but there was also a grace and he had a code there. There’s a lot of belief and codes of behavior in Gotham and my character has one, too,” she said. “A lot of the way she moves and interacts with people is informed by her worldview. Chris has given us all such complex, defined, sophisticated worldviews that it’s just a matter of doing your homework and getting underneath the character’s skin.” Do you think Anne Hathaway will kill it as Catwoman? Let us know in the comments below! Related Photos Analyzing Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman Costume In ‘Dark Knight Rises’

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‘Dark Knight Rises’ Star Anne Hathaway Talks Catwoman

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer: Five Key Scenes

New trailer hints that all is not well in Gotham City eight years after ‘The Dark Knight.’ By Kevin P. Sullivan Tom Hardy as Bane in the new “Dark Knight Rises” trailer Photo: Warner Bros. Some lucky Batman fans got a chance to check out the brand-new trailer for “The Dark Knight Rises” over the weekend, and now Apple has the first theatrical trailer for the entire world to see. The new preview gives us our best look yet at Gotham City eight years after the end of “The Dark Knight,” and things aren’t going very well. Gordon’s tenure as commissioner may be coming to an end. Selina Kyle warns Bruce of a storm on the horizon, and Bane shows a complete disregard for football field maintenance. Here are the five key scenes from the brand-new “Dark Knight Rises” trailer. Old Man Wayne While you may have watched the bootleg of the trailer a dozen times online over the weekend, a lot of the trailer’s details didn’t translate from the pirated copy. The most intriguing detail has to be the reflection in the dish cover. It clearly shows Bruce Wayne walking toward it with a cane. Spy footage from the set hinted that an injured Wayne would have a cane, but this is the first concrete proof. Is this Bane’s work, and how badly is Wayne hurt? This could be the end of Batman that’s hinted at in the trailer. Where in the World Is Bruce Wayne? The scene from the trailer that remains largely a mystery is the one where Wayne enters the hall of staircases and asks what the chanting means. We haven’t seen anything like this setting in the series yet, but Wayne’s clothes resemble the clothes he wears in the early scenes of “Batman Begins,” during his stint in the League of Shadows. We’ve all heard that the final film in Christopher Nolan ‘s trilogy will double-back and cover some territory from the first film. Is this our first look at the return of the League of Shadows? Are You Ready for Some Foootbaaa … OH SH–! Clearly the scene everyone will be talking about, in the football stadium, Nolan tries his hand at making a disaster movie. Nothing in the series so far compares to the earthquake in the stadium in terms of destruction. Bane succeeds where other villains haven’t, and this more or less confirms the presence of the much-discussed earthquake machine. While many had their doubts, no one can deny that Nolan handles an otherwise outlandish concept with a deft and cool hand. Now imagine that in IMAX! Oh Hey, It’s Tali, I Mean, Miranda Tate There she is, the most mysterious of the new characters, Miranda Tate. When Marion Cotillard signed on to re-team with Nolan, people cried foul. The press release may have said Miranda Tate, dutiful Wayne Enterprises employee, but hard-core fans smelled a red herring. This is the first time we’re actually seeing Cotillard, but the trailer doesn’t offer much. Who is Miranda Tate? It’s clear we’ll have to wait to find out. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-BAT-WING Photos from the set gave us glimpses at Batman’s new aerial ride, the Batwing, but seeing it in action is a whole other monster. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what that scene is going to be like. We know that several tumblers are involved. Bane is there, and at some point, Batman unleashes the Batwing on everyone. Even though fans knew about the Batpod before “The Dark Knight” hit theaters, its reveal ranked among the film’s best moments. Expect the same treatment for the Batwing. Check out everything we’ve got on “The Dark Knight Rises.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com .

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‘Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer: Five Key Scenes

IKEA Have A Gö


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IKEA Australia is running “Have A Gö”, an advertising campaign encouraging customers to “fight boring”. The television commercial at the centre of the campaign creates a battle scene recreating the atmosphere of Braveheart, taking the fight against boredom to suburban … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Duncan’s TV Ad Land Discovery Date : 13/08/2011 23:34 Number of articles : 2

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