Tag Archives: seen-everything

These Carmen ELectra Pics Disturb Me of the Day

Carmen Electra posted these pics of her rocking a really hot body in a bikini, despite her botox face, because all she does is workout, since her hotness is all that defines her…and her bank account. I mean she didn’t even get knocked up in her 30s like all the other girls….you know to have a kid to transfer her narcism to a new generation when she had the chance…now she’s all menopausal, but has all the time in the world to do yoga, pilates and whatever else it takes… She was too into herself and her career to ever damage her body, since that’s the only thing that has brought her money, like a stripper or hooker I guess she is… All this to say, her posing with another plastic woman, while being half naked is oddly erotic…but still fucking weird…but I guess weird is the future of porn since…since we’ve seen everything she’s capable of…

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These Carmen ELectra Pics Disturb Me of the Day

Sofia Vergara’s Amazing Booty In Tight Leather Pants!

So apparently USA held something called Modern Family “Fan Appreciation Day,” which meant getting Sofia Vergara to show off her booty in a pair of tight leather pants. And for some reason, I wasn’t invited. What gives? Everybody knows that I’m the #1 fan, and I’m not talking about the show. I’m talking about Sofia’s amazing booty. I’ve been following it for years, and I’ve seen everything it’s ever been in. Usually three or four times. » view all 32 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sofia Vergara’s Amazing Booty In Tight Leather Pants!

Bat Pussy: The Mams, The Myth, The Legend [VIDEO]

Think you’ve seen everything? Trust us, you haven’t- not until you’ve seen the vintage Bat-porn Bat Pussy . Emerging from the deep, deep South circa 1973, Bat Pussy is a snaggle-toothed, foul-mouthed, fluffy muff-ed avenger who doesn’t mind if people are fucking in her “Holy Gotham City,” per se– she’s just pissed she wasn’t invited. And the bouncy ball? Yeah, we don’t know what’s up with that either. Need to bleach your brain of the cinematrocity that is Bat Pussy ? Might we suggest one of Mr. Skin’s patented playlists , like Bottomless Scenes , The Greatest Solo Shower Scenes or Mr. Skin’s Top 10 Favorite Celebrity Breasts ?

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Bat Pussy: The Mams, The Myth, The Legend [VIDEO]

Snooki, JWoww Say ‘Jersey Shore’ Fight Is ‘A First’

‘But we’re still best friends,’ Snooki tells MTV News of argument on tonight’s episode. By Christina Garibaldi JWoww Season four of “Jersey Shore” has been jam-packed with a whole lot of drama, from the castmates’ weekly hookups to the almost-weekly fights. You’d think by now we’ve seen everything Italy has to offer, right? Well, think again. As if the infamous fighting match between the Situation and Ronnie wasn’t enough, on Thursday’s (September 22) episode, two of the most unexpected housemates are set to faceoff: Snooki and JWoww. When MTV News caught up with the besties, they opened up about what went down. “When you’re best friends and you’re drunk … sometimes you fight, you know, that’s what happens,” Snooki told us about the fight. Snooki and JWoww take their argument to the streets of Florence after Snooki’s boyfriend, Jionni, abruptly leaves a club claiming Snooki is “embarrassing” him by dancing provocatively. JWoww decides to put Snooki in her place, screaming, “You want a reality check? I just gave you one!” While viewers will likely be shocked to see the two BFFs squaring off, fans should rest assured there’s no lasting fallout from the argument. “Me and Jenni, we just never really screamed at each other like that,” Snooki said. “That was a first, but we’re still best friends.” And JWoww agreed, saying that she and Snooki, who are set to shoot their own reality show , wouldn’t let a little fight ruin their friendship. “Me and Nicole love each other. She is my little sister and I’ll protect her, but there are those moments that we just want to go at it,” JWoww explained. “And the best thing about our moments are they have nothing to do with ourselves. We aren’t actually fighting about each other, we are fighting because external things piss us off. So when we look back, we are laughing like, ‘Dude, why did we do that?’ ” Don’t miss “Jersey Shore” every Thursday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on MTV! For continuing coverage of “Jersey Shore” be sure to check in with the MTV Remote Control Blog.

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Snooki, JWoww Say ‘Jersey Shore’ Fight Is ‘A First’