Tag Archives: from-the-deep

Did Someone Turn On The Flash? Kanye West Realizes He’s Been “Used” To Push An Agenda, Vows To Step Back From Politics

Oliver Contreras – Pool/Getty Images Kanye West Steps Back From Politics It looks like Kanye West may have swum back from the deep end…or is at least doggy paddling his way back, slowly but surely. Remember when we told you that Kanye was out here designing specialty sunken shirts to encourage Black folks to leave the democratic party and start rocking his favorite MAGA hat? Well, Kanye now claims he had nothing to do with it. Furthermore, he claims he’s done with being a political puppet and now wants nothing to do with politics anymore. ‘Ye dusted off his Twitter account and put this out: I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I have nothing to do with it. — ye (@kanyewest) October 30, 2018 Which his sunken neighbor Candace corroborated: #BLEXIT is about the beautiful stories of so many black people who have awakened themselves to the possibilities of our future, as Americans. The press is trying to use Kanye’s name to create drama and further divisiveness which is WRONG. Here is statement of clarity from me: pic.twitter.com/PJSdM2PRFi — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) October 29, 2018 Finally, Kanye popped up with this — though he was careful to leave Trump’s actual name out of all of it: My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!! — ye (@kanyewest) October 30, 2018 Hmmm. Is Kanye seeing the light after NOBODY wanted that latest Yeezy drop? Hit the flip for more of what Kanye says he TRULY believes… SplashNews/Oliver Contreras – Pool/Getty Images

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Did Someone Turn On The Flash? Kanye West Realizes He’s Been “Used” To Push An Agenda, Vows To Step Back From Politics

Miley Cyrus Mocks Mexicans of the Day

Every white person, not just trash from the deep South who hate everyone because they are hicks, but also the rich as fuck in LA, make fun of Mexicans…Miley is a bit of both…. As a half Mexican, even I make fun of Mexicans, because we are an easy target, and don’t actually care if you make fun of us, as long as you visit our country for all inclusive vacations, and do cocaine our cartels have died and made millions to deliver to you…. I figure calling her out for her taco and sombrero racism would be funny, but it is no different than every night a birthday party goes down in a Mexican restaurant…or even worse Cinco de Mayo… What white people don’t realize, is that it isn’t culturally relevant, we’re just trolling you idiots, so keep eating them tacos and burritos…and we’ll keep laughing at you as it distracts you and we slowly take over the population of your country…it’s a silent attack… Not that I know anything about being Mexican…I’ve been in Canada, which is the opposite of mexico, the last 30 years…but I can pretend I care…especially when it comes to Miley…and racism…up on some Ferguson shit…that has nothing to do with Ferguson…

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Miley Cyrus Mocks Mexicans of the Day

Bat Pussy: The Mams, The Myth, The Legend [VIDEO]

Think you’ve seen everything? Trust us, you haven’t- not until you’ve seen the vintage Bat-porn Bat Pussy . Emerging from the deep, deep South circa 1973, Bat Pussy is a snaggle-toothed, foul-mouthed, fluffy muff-ed avenger who doesn’t mind if people are fucking in her “Holy Gotham City,” per se– she’s just pissed she wasn’t invited. And the bouncy ball? Yeah, we don’t know what’s up with that either. Need to bleach your brain of the cinematrocity that is Bat Pussy ? Might we suggest one of Mr. Skin’s patented playlists , like Bottomless Scenes , The Greatest Solo Shower Scenes or Mr. Skin’s Top 10 Favorite Celebrity Breasts ?

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Bat Pussy: The Mams, The Myth, The Legend [VIDEO]

Blake Lively Dressed Wholesome of the Day

Here is old lookin’, hard faced, attention seeking, Blake Lively at the premiere of her movie that I guess the nude pics of not her , the relationship with Leonardo and all the other media was designed to promote….because bitches like this sell their souls to get where they are…they are just tools for other people to make money…cuz there’s a world of Blake Lively caliber pussy out there that isn’t Blake Lively for a reason… The point is that she’s covered up her fake tits….put on what looks like a babtism dress, or maybe a virgin bride from the deep south in the 1930s dress, that’s all pure and innocent and high necked….but I feeling I can see ass through the front sheer panel…cuz Blake Lively likes to keep her hustle real…and I guess that’s what makes me a fan. Cuz I love sluts…especially exhibitionist sluts…

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Blake Lively Dressed Wholesome of the Day

Ron Paul Teams Up With Barney Frank To Reduce Military Spending

Great interview on “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer with Rep. Barney Frank and Rep. Ron Paul regarding the need to reduce military spending. Although the two Congressmen disagree as to what can be done with the massive savings, they do agree that America will be better served by a government that no longer spends in excess of one trillion dollars per year in managing an unsustainable overseas empire. Perhaps this will be the first step. We can all agree that this country is in the midst of a massive economic downturn, and that money spent in managing an overseas empire is money that is being taken out of the hands of Americans who could really use it. Part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP8CpXd4i74&feature=player_embedded# ! Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNozF5S9Ewo&feature=player_embedded added by: ScottyT

CONFIRMED – LAB TESTED Gulf Coast Water Samples are ‘VERY TOXIC’

Oil and water samples were taken from both the Shores of Grand Isle and from 20 miles out. The preliminary analysis was done at an academic analytical chemistry laboratory. Looking for the likely pollutants from the deep water Horizon Oil spill. It was focused on the detection of benzene and propylene glycol. Benzene and other highly toxic contaminants were very low however the concentration of propylene glycol was between 360 and 440 parts per million. Just 25 parts per million is known to kill most fish and propylene glycol is just one of many ingredients found in Corexit. In short, the Gulf is being poisoned by BP's usage of the dispersants even after the EPA asked them to stop back in May. We are willing to provide ANY respected/known laboratory these samples or provide them with more. This is very serious to all people and marine life in and around the Gulf. added by: TomTucker

MTV Sneak Peeks: Eclipse, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

There was plenty for viewers to scream over at last night’s MTV Movie Awards: Sandra Bullock kissed Scarlett Johansson . Robsten made out . Julianne Hough looked like THIS . But there was more to the event than hot fashion and make-out sessions. A pair of major movies were previewed, as the ceremony gave us sneak peek at both Eclipse and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows . The latter will hit theaters in November and be broken up into a pair of films. Below, get your first look at action and confrontations (Harry vs. Ron?!?) from it: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer From there, try to keep your hyperventillating to a minmum, as you check out a scene from Eclipse . In it, Bella hops aboard Jacob’s bike, soon after being warned that she’s “the one the red head wants.” Darn you, Victoria… Eclipse Sneak Peek

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MTV Sneak Peeks: Eclipse, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Tila Tequila Fakes Suicide, Incurs Wrath of Police, Needs MAJOR Help

Tila Tequila needs significant professional help – and, no, Dr. Drew Pinsky won’t cut it . The troubled D-lister took to her blog Friday night and posted a video of her bloody arm, allegedly sliced open at the wrist by one of her multiple personalities named “Jane.” Wrote Tila: “I don’t know what happened. People don’t believe I have multiple personalities but this morning the last thing I remember was falling asleep cuz I was so tired. I blacked out and now that I just woke up from excruciating pains all over my body, there was blood and dope everywhere! She is evil! She single handedly smashed and broke EVERYTHING in my bedroom! Both nightstands, the bed lights, all of the surround sound system, my tv boxes and there’s glass everywhere. There’s even chunks

The Management Consultants Who Will End Condé Nast As We Know It

That was quick. Here is the grim memo that Condé Nast Chuck CEO Townsend just sent out announcing that it is bringing in McKinsey & Company to “develop new perspectives on optimizing our approach to business.” This will be brutal.

The rest is here:
The Management Consultants Who Will End Condé Nast As We Know It