When the Huffington Post Investigative Fund was announced last March, Arianna Huffington modestly described its mission as ” to save investigative journalism .” Ten months later, it’s safe to say the fund’s chief accomplishment is providing free scoops to the Huffington Post. (And burnishing Huffington’s reputation and monstrous ego, but that goes without saying.) The fund is supposed act as a sort of disembodied newspaper i-team, with experienced reporters and editors bankrolled by tax-exempt donations from the Atlantic Philanthropies and the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy doing the time-consuming and expensive investigative work that strapped newspapers are increasingly abandoning. It is axiomatic that investigative reporting is the most precious casualty of the demise of print journalism, and the fund has been heralded as one of many “new models” of funding real journalism in an increasingly blog-eat-blog world
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Arianna Huffington’s Journalism Charity Helps Nobody but Herself