Tag Archives: arianna huffington

Lana Del Rey Is Practically A Singing Photograph In Her ‘Change’ Teaser

Lana Del Rey looks like a photo booth pic come to life in her teaser for her new ‘Lust For Life’ song, ‘Change.’

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Lana Del Rey Is Practically A Singing Photograph In Her ‘Change’ Teaser

Katy Perry Is Ready To ‘Let Go’ Of Her Feud With Taylor Swift

Katy Perry wants her feud with Taylor Swift to end, according to her recent chat with Arianna Huffington: ‘I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her.’

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Katy Perry Is Ready To ‘Let Go’ Of Her Feud With Taylor Swift

Great Feuds of 2010: Who Won, Who Lost, and Who Will Commit Harakiri [Video]

It was the year Christina Aguilera attacked Lady Gaga and Whoopi Goldberg stormed off The View . Conan O’Brien defied his boss and world leaders threatened to kill a psychic octopus. A guide to the bloodiest feuds of 2010. More

The Huffington Post on Religion: ‘Islamophobia’ Bad, Sinead O’Connor’s Vatican-Hating Smears Good

The Huffington Post would like to present itself as an oasis of religious tolerance. When they started their Religion section, Arianna Huffington decried that “all too often, when talking about it, we end up talking at each other instead of with each other.” Weeks ago, they published Nida Khan lamenting conservative Islamophobia , as “a vocal minority of extremists to capitalize and advance on their bigotry and xenophobia.” The writer cited Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, Rick Lazio and Peter King. That was one of many Huff-Po pieces feeling the pain of American Muslims, victims of vicious midterm politics. But that same Huffington Post doesn’t mind promoting “Rome-o-phobia,” vile anti-Catholic screeds from bigoted leftists that just happened to enjoy ripping up a picture of Pope John Paul on national TV. Arianna Huffington published Sinead O’Connor’s “An Open Letter to the Pope,” carrying flagrantly false statements, such as “not one member of The Vatican has publicly displayed an iota of humility over this issue. Instead each person who has spoken has done so most arrogantly and dismissively.” Here’s the latest line from O’Connor in the U.K. Guardian, where the headline says “The Vatican is a nest of devils.” Or, to be more precise: “The Vatican is a nest of devils and a haven for criminals. It’s evil, the very top of the toppermost is evil.” O’Connor is clear what has to happen – those responsible have to go. “And when all the those guys stand down we should take back the church for us.” Would she like to see a democratically elected pope? “Do we need a fucking pope? Why do we need a pope? Christ doesn’t need a representative. Ten years from now the church will be nothing resembling what it has been.” This is the kind of “religion” spokesman The Huffington Post wants to promote — a washed-up one-hit wonder who asserts that a global church with a billion adherents is about to fall apart in the next ten years — or if not fall apart, become a haven for fashionable, libertine-left, potty-mouthed “philosophers” like Sinead O’Connor. Her article was not a dialogue — a talking-to, instead of a talking-at — it was a vicious monologue. It was just another left-wing Huff-Po celebrity slur. 

See the original post here:
The Huffington Post on Religion: ‘Islamophobia’ Bad, Sinead O’Connor’s Vatican-Hating Smears Good

PBS Ombudsman Bizarrely Claims Pitting Dick Armey vs. Arianna Huffington is Right vs. Center

The PBS NewsHour tried to balance a conservative Republican with a liberal Democrat when it interviewed (on two different Thursdays) Dick Armey and Arianna Huffington . Left-wingers complained to PBS ombudsman Michael Getler that NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff failed to press Armey about the Tea Party’s funding from corporate billionaires. The far-left media monitors at FAIR wanted Woodruff to bash Armey as a hypocrite who benefits from government entitlements, like Bill Moyers did.  Getler’s response was jaw-dropping. He claimed that PBS had failed to achieve balance, since Armey is conservative and Arianna Huffington is a centrist “and her widely viewed website strike me, as a reader, as an equal-opportunity critic. Armey is not. There are plenty of sharp, critical assessments of the Democratic Party and administration on her site.” Doesn’t it matter that those critics are banging away that Obama isn’t socialist enough? Worse yet, Getler said this should be “remedied” by bringing on another leftist, author Will Bunch of Media Matters for America, because Arianna was clearly not left-wing enough or critical enough of the Tea Party. Getler lamented that PBS has lost left-wing shows like Now and Bill Moyers Journal that are “not in the safe comfortable center.” Getler has granted points to conservative letter writers on occasion (and it seems apparent from his report that he didn’t get conservative letter writers in his latest batch). But Getler holds the liberal opinion that was mandtory for his hiring: that public television is not a forum that should be balanced because it’s taxpayer-funded. Instead, because it is “public,” it should rip on conservatives from the left, because the “safe comfortable center” is already represented by ABC, CBS, and NBC. “Public” television should be anti-corporate and anti-militarist and be so boldly. Arguing that Arianna Huffington’s “beyond left and right” palaver makes her a centrist is truly unsophisticated. In her media criticism like in her less-than-centrist-sounding book Right Is Wrong, that has meant the conservatives should be dumped, since the left is correct and it’s unfair (and dangerous) to “balance” that with inaccurate conservatism, like on global warming. In her PBS interview with Gwen Ifill, it’s quite clear that while Huffington may have posed rhetorically as going beyond ideology, she is not a centrist. She’s lamenting that Team Obama is pandering to centrists instead of being fully progressive when Democrats have total control of Washington: [T]his has been obviously a failure of the Bush years that put their faith in free market economics and deregulation, but also the Democrats during the Obama years, when they had control of the White House, the House, and the Senate, but, instead of going forward with bold proposals that would address the fundamental problems in the country, they tried to basically do what they can to bring everybody along, sort of flirt with Olympia Snowe, and bring Larry Summers to head the economic team in a way that put Wall Street ahead of Main Street. Getler is only correct in that when Ifill asked Huffington to critique or attack the Tea Party movement, she declined and used “beyond left and right” palaver to pose as above ideology (like, well, Obama). NewsHour tried to balance the segments. It was Huffington who failed the leftists’ desire to have someone accuse the Tea Party of being the toy soldiers of billionaires.   But while Woodruff gently pressed Armey that liberals say his proposals to make Social Security and Medicare voluntary would destroy these entitlement programs, Ifill offered no critique of Huffington’s left-wing viewpoint from conservatives, that her proposed solutions would kill chances for a recovery (or that conservatives would say she’s a phony for her pose, or question her funding from left-wing billionaires). Both interviews were gentle, in the Jim Lehrer tradition. It seems as if Getler wants NewsHour to be anchored by Bill Moyers. Here’s the gist of Getler’s mystifying complaint: In the segment with Armey, NewsHour correspondent Judy Woodruff told viewers that this was the first of a two-part series of book conversations with thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum and that “a very different perspective … a conversation with liberal Democrat Arianna Huffington” about her new book would be coming soon. The Huffington interview with correspondent Gwen Ifill aired Sept. 16. One of the benefits of the NewsHour is that it has the time for this kind of series, allowing more in-depth exploration of supposedly opposing views, and I’ve always advocated that viewers judge a news program or publication on the continuity of its coverage of a subject rather than on an individual segment. But this time it didn’t work, in my view. Woodruff is a good interviewer and managed to get in some brief but telling questions, although there was no discussion of Tea Party funding that was the focus of most of the e-mail to me. The “series” turned out, it seemed to me, to be a big public relations win for Armey as mostly a platform for his views, while Huffington’s main point was that “the solutions are beyond left and right” and spent as much or more time bashing the Obama administration, aside from noting that the problems grew from “obviously a failure of the Bush years.” One is that Huffington may be labeled as “a liberal Democrat,” but she and her widely viewed website strike me, as a reader, as an equal-opportunity critic. Armey is not. There are plenty of sharp, critical assessments of the Democratic Party and administration on her site. For me, this fits into a purely anecdotal sense that I have that much of mainstream television coverage for some time now is more from a center-right starting point than left-center-right, where far more talking heads and pundits that are described as liberal or left-of-center, actually are closer to the center and just as likely to criticize the left as the right. That is usually not the case, at least as it seems to me, with conservative or right-of-center guests and pundits. Another point goes to something I posted back in May in the aftermath of the shutting down of two major PBS public affairs programs — Bill Moyers Journal and NOW on PBS. I said: “Both provided an outlet for people and subjects that are not in the safe, comfortable center of what passes for most public affairs programming on television. Rather, they often presented guests and topics that rarely get an airing, although what they have to say is of interest to many people who live and think outside that safe comfort-zone.” Both Armey and Huffington, even though controversial, are in what I’d consider that comfortable, or familiar face, zone. Both have many friendly TV and web platforms where their views and books can be, and are, promoted. Coincidentally, between the Sept. 9 and 16 programs, The New York Times featured a review of a probing new book about the Tea Party by Will Bunch, a senior writer at The Philadelphia Daily News and a senior fellow at the left-leaning research group Media Matters for America. Why not have him, or someone else who has spent time looking into this movement, as a guest who clearly seems apt to present a different view? The Tea Party is important and detailed arguments that challenge it need to be heard and answered. Feel free to contact Getler online here or call 703-739-5920. Be calm and polite, as he is.

Read the original here:
PBS Ombudsman Bizarrely Claims Pitting Dick Armey vs. Arianna Huffington is Right vs. Center

ABC’s Diane Sawyer Promotes ‘Change Agent’ Arianna Huffington and Her ‘Innovative Solutions’

ABC’s Diane Sawyer gave Arianna Huffington a rare gift on Tuesday night: An entire World News segment devoted to promoting the left-winger’s new book, Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream , and her Huffington Post site. Though a matching ABCNews.com posting described Huffington as a “liberal commentator,” no iteration of liberal passed Sawyer’s lips. As if Huffington’s book does any such thing, Sawyer wondered: “What if we pulled together in one place all the innovative ideas for creating jobs?” The generous on-screen heading beneath Huffington’s picture: “Change Agent.” After highlighting Huffington’s wish to absolve troubled mortgage-holders of much of their responsibility, Sawyer trumpeted: Arianna Huffington’s new book is called Third World America, and on her Web site, she’s been gathering innovative solutions to keep that Third World from happening. The articles posted on the Huffington Post page with “innovative solutions ,” a page the ABC segment displayed, sound more like the usual liberal carping: “Work Until You’re Dead? That May Be the Only Option for Many Americans,” “Thousands Crowd Atlanta Area Housing Authority for Section 8 WAITING LIST, Fights Break Out,” “The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off the Most Workers: Institute for Policy Studies” and “Income Inequality: ‘The Most Profound Change In American Society In Your Lifetime.’” Huffington hailed: “It’s one person’s idea, like, that’s what I love. It’s like, somebody imagined that, and is making it happen.” Sawyer then showcased an idea that’s failed: “One solution we heard about, Gene Epstein, a self-made millionaire who’s going door to door in Philadelphia, asking every small business to hire one more employee, just for six months. He says if ten percent of businesses do that, one half million people will be employed.” She had to acknowledge, however, he’s “got only one signature.” Not raised by Sawyer in her friendly session with Huffington – the title’s racial overtones. Imagine if a conservative had written a book warning President Obaam’s policies could turn the U.S. into a “Third World” nation? From the Tuesday, September 7 ABC World News: DIANE SAWYER: And finally tonight, what if we pulled together in one place all the innovative ideas for creating jobs? Arianna Huffington has just written a book which begins with some tough statistics about Americans faltering in this economy. SAWYER TO HUFFINGTON, IN MOCK DISBELIEF: Every 30 seconds, someone goes bankrupt in America. Every 30 seconds? ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: Every 30 seconds. And almost three million homes were lost in the last year and about three million or more are expected to be foreclosed in 2010. SAWYER: Foreclosures on mortgages. You think it should be required that every one be negotiated? HUFFINGTON: We need to help people in the middle class who are losing their homes. SAWYER: You don’t think there will be a wave of people shouting, “it’s just not fair, I scraped and saved to make my mortgage payment”? HUFFINGTON: There’s an awful lot that’s happening that’s not fair. But I feel that’s something that, in the end, is going to have a positive impact on every community in the whole country. SAWYER: Arianna Huffington’s new book is called Third World America, and on her Web site, she’s been gathering innovative solutions to keep that Third World from happening. HUFFINGTON: It’s one person’s idea, like, that’s what I love. It’s like, somebody imagined that, and is making it happen. SAWYER: One solution we heard about, Gene Epstein, a self-made millionaire who’s going door to door in Philadelphia, asking every small business to hire one more employee, just for six months. He says if ten percent of businesses do that, one half million people will be employed. GENE EPSTEIN, BUSINESSMAN: People will be buying, stocks will be moving, people will start spending the cash that they’ve had in hand, waiting to spend. SAWYER: So far, he’s undaunted, though he’s got only one signature, a carpet company. EPSTEIN: Businesses have created what we are in the United States. Why can’t they be the salvation for what we are in the United States? SAWYER: Just one person, six months. You think you can pay it forward that way? HUFFINGTON: Yes, I totally believe you can pay it forward. Truth is that democracy’s not a spectator sport. When people take action, it’s the greatest antidote to despair. SAWYER: The rest of the interview’s on ABCNews.com, and give us your innovative ideas.

Go here to see the original:
ABC’s Diane Sawyer Promotes ‘Change Agent’ Arianna Huffington and Her ‘Innovative Solutions’

Keith Olbermann Cherry Picks Rush Limbaugh to Make Him Look Racist

The lengths Keith Olbermann will go to attack his adversaries knows no bounds. On Tuesday, he selectively edited and cherry picked from a Rush Limbaugh radio transcript in order to make the talk show personality look racist. Most disgracefully, the “Countdown” host completely avoided telling his few viewers that Limbaugh was referring to truly disgusting statements the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Cynthia Tucker made on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday. With total disregard for the truth or any sense of journalistic integrity, here’s what Olbermann said during his “Worst Person in the World” segment Tuesday (h/t Meredith Jessup ): KEITH OLBERMANN, HOST: Speaking of which, there‘s tonight’s hands down winner, Boss Limbaugh. These quotes speak for themselves and for a diseased and failing mind. “If Obama weren’t black, he’d be a tour guide in Honolulu or he‘d be teaching Saul Alinsky Constitutional law or lecturing on it in Chicago,” said the college dropout, Rush Limbaugh. “He wouldn’t have been voted president if he weren‘t black. Somebody asked me over the-oh, I need to remember. Somebody asked me over the weekend, why does somebody earn a lot of money, have a lot of money. I said it‘s because he’s black.” This the guy who once said the media was conspiring to make Donovan McNabb of the Eagles to be a better quarterback than he actually was because he was black. “It,” Limbaugh said, “was Oprah,” said the guy who doesn‘t have half Oprah Winfrey’s talent, or income. “No, it can’t be,” he continued. “Yes, it is. There’s a lot of guilt out there. To show we’re not racist, we‘ll make this person wealthy and big and famous and so forth.” Stop the tape. Actually, that’s NOT what Limbaugh said. Here’s the real version from RushLimbaugh.com: RUSH LIMBAUGH, HOST: Cynthia Tucker, ABC’s This Week, Sunday, roundtable, they discussed Michael Steele. And, by the way, this woman is the editorial director of the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation, and she has been for a long, long time. “Cynthia you once called Michael Steele an affirmative action hire gone bad.” By the way, she can say this because she’s African-American. Here’s what she said. CYNTHIA TUCKER, ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION: Michael Steele is a self-aggrandizing gaffe-prone incompetent who would have been fired a long time ago were he not black. Of course the irony is that he never would have been voted in as chairman of the Republican Party were he not black. LIMBAUGH: Same with Obama. TUCKER: It is very ironic since the Republican — LIMBAUGH: Stop the tape a second. That’s exactly the same thing you could say about Obama. He wouldn’t have been voted president if he weren’t black. Somebody asked me over the weekend why does somebody earn a lot of money have a lot of money, because she’s black. It was Oprah. No, it can’t be. Yes, it is. There’s a lot of guilt out there, show we’re not racists, we’ll make this person wealthy and big and famous and so forth. The Chicago Sun-Times today has this story, it’s amazing, “How did we get conned, how did we get fooled? My God we’ve elected an empty suit. We elected somebody who had no experience, no idea what he was doing, the empty suit cost $5,000.” I thought my God, they finally woke up, they’re talking about Obama, but no, they’re talking about Blago. They’re asking themselves in Chicago how they got conned by Blagojevich! And you read this, and I will share it with you as the program unfolds, it could be written about Obama. So Cynthia Tucker says, yeah, he wouldn’t be hired by the GOP if he weren’t black. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Washington awaits my fatwa on Michael Steele. Washington is paralyzed today until I issue my findings on this. The first thing I have to say about this: Cynthia Tucker said Steele would only have the gig if he was black. If Obama weren’t black he’d be a tour guide in Honolulu or he’d be teaching Saul Alinsky constitutional law or lecturing on it in Chicago, and if somebody’s “entitled to a couple of gaffes,” why do we still have Senator Bite Me running around as Vice President Bite Me, who is a walking gaffe every time he opens his mouth and he’s not even black! So what’s the Democrats’ excuse for having Joe Bite Me around as vice president? As such, Limbaugh was commenting about what Tucker said on “This Week” two days earlier. For those that missed it, here it is:  JAKE TAPPER, HOST: Cynthia, you once called, let me underline “You” once called Michael Steele an affirmative action hire gone bad. What’s your take on this? CYNTHIA TUCKER, ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION: Well, Michael Steele is a self-aggrandizing, gaffe-prone incompetent who would have been fired a long time ago were he not black. Of course, the irony is that he never would have been voted in as Chairman of the Republican Party were he not black. Let’s remember how the Party wound up with Michael Steele. In November 2008, the Party was devastated that the Democrats had elected the nation’s first black president while the Republican Party was stuck with being seen as largely the party of aging white people, with good reason. A party that was hostile to people of color, especially blacks and Latinos. So the Party needed a new face, preferably a face of color, and they didn’t have very many officials to choose from. So, they came up with Michael Steele. And it is very ironic since the Republicans have been so critical of affirmative action, to watch them stuck with their affirmative action hire that they dare not get rid of because that would generate even more controversy.  Not surprisingly, Olbermann NEVER told his audience this:  OLBERMANN: There it is. See, the United States is tilted in favor of black people. That‘s the premise. We have made it so easy that human beings inferior to the great Rush Limbaugh, the fired by ESPN one month into his dream job, Rush Limbaugh-inferior creatures like Obama and Oprah Winfrey have been made wealthy and big and famous and so forth. They have not earned it. They aren‘t actually talented. They haven‘t actually done the job. Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama and presumably every other black person in this country has not succeed despite the fact that they‘re black, when this country is still filled with racists like this homunculus Limbaugh. They‘ve succeeded because they‘re black, and only because they‘re black. Well, you heard it. It‘s naked, ugly racism. It‘s the distillation of Rush Limbaugh‘s view of our country. The only other thing I can say is, Oprah, please, crush this schmuck, huh? Rush Limbaugh, overt racist, today‘s worst person in the world.   Also not surprisingly, the shills at Huffington Post on Wednesday reported Olbermann’s claim word for word without checking to see if he had accurately quoted the target of his disaffection. Maybe the fact-check-loving Arianna should get her staff to fact-check Olbermann’s screeds before they parrot them – or would that be too much journalism for Ms. Huffington?  As for Olbermann, the idea that MSNBC tolerates this kind of misreporting should be offensive to Americans on both sides of the aisle. Sadly, it seems unlikely to stop, doesn’t it? 

Keith Olbermann Cherry Picks Rush Limbaugh to Make Him Look Racist

Mary Matalin Battles Libs Arianna Huffington and Mark Green in New Radio Show

A new talk radio show launched this weekend that will certainly get a lot of attention from producers across the fruited plain if not from listeners. Called “Both Sides Now,” the program pits far-left internet publisher Arianna Huffington against conservative political consultant Mary Matalin. Unfortunately, there’s a glaring problem with the format: the host is the far-left leaning Mark Green who used to be the president of Air America Radio. As such, listeners will likely hear twice as many liberal views as conservative ones. Naturally, Green didn’t admit this in his debut announcement published at the Huffington Post Sunday: Welcome to the debut audio-blog of Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin. We’re a new nationally syndicated radio show whose name sort of conveys it all — Both Sides Now will be the first syndicated radio show that presents both sides with two prominent women. So instead of talk radio just being ideological monologues to the faithful, we’ll have two politically savvy women keeping each other on their toes. My goal as the host is to either clarify differences or bridge them. Clarify differences? Well, isn’t that special? Arianna’s got a far-left-leaning referee on the set to “clarify differences.” Readers are advised that Green co-authored 2004’s “The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America” with the far-left writer Eric Alterman. His most recent work of “non-fiction” is “Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th President,” which was co-produced by the far-left outlets New Democracy Project and the Center for American Progress; both are funded by George Soros. As such, having Green “clarify differences” between Huffington and Matalin is like having Yankee fans officiate a Yankees-Red Sox game. Nevertheless, as I am a HUGE fan of Matalin’s, it will be interesting to see how this format works. Stay tuned. 

See the article here:
Mary Matalin Battles Libs Arianna Huffington and Mark Green in New Radio Show

Congrats To Arianna On Her ‘Best’ Webby!

One has to give credit where credit is due. The Huffington Post is 2010’s ‘People’s Voice Winner for Best Political Blog’ and Arianna Huffington will receive her Webby Monday night in New York City. We are in awe of her humility… ‘I need to decide what this year’s speech should be, and would love your input. Submit your five-word speech in the comments section. We’ll publish the best ones on Monday… and if I end up using yours Monday night, you’ll get a signed copy of my new book, Third World America, as soon as it is published in September. ‘Okay, HuffPosters… start your creative engines!’ — Arianna Huffington , Help, I Need a Five-Word Speech for the Webby Awards! One can only be judged in this business by the accolades of one’s peers, and here’s a taste of the acknowledgments of those who admire the non-partisan, tolerant, inclusive Huffington Post most. Remember, Ms. Huffington once said that the fact Republicans read her site “is a reflection of our traffic, our brand, and the fact that we are increasingly seen … as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.” Those who voted for HuffPo’s victory are quite aware of their celebrated reputation for journalistic integrity… Huffington Post Defends Clooney’s “Faked-Up” Blog Entry Huffington’s House of Horrors The Huffington Post Slammed for Content Theft Plagiarism At The HuffPo Stossel Talks Politics With Huffington The Huffington Post as a News Source: An In-Depth Look The Missing Dirt On Arianna Huffington HuffPo Hugs a Domestic Terrorist : Bill Ayers Has a Column at Huffington Post The HuffPo Gets to Question Obama — Making History The Huffington Post’s War on Medical Science: A Brief History Huffington Post Smear of Gibson Uses Doctored Video For Huffington Post, Left Is Right The Puffington Host: The Many Versions Of Arianna Huffington, And Their Consequences Huffington Post: “Palin Will Run in ‘12 on More Retardation Platform” HuffPo Retracts False Limbaugh Quotes; When Will CNN & ThinkProgress? HuffPo’s Misogyny: The NSFW Path to Liberal Journalism Success” Arianna Huffington’s Journalism Charity Helps Nobody but Herself “How I Did It,” by Arianna Huffington Has the Huffington Post Become a Magnet for Israel Haters? Some of our older and more traditional news outlets are nowhere near as celebrated and respected as the Huffington Post (which has only been around since 2005). We should all strive to become Arianna Huffingtons. The world of journalism would be a better place for you and for me. h/t Huff-Watch

Original post:
Congrats To Arianna On Her ‘Best’ Webby!

Vaccines Still Don’t Cause Autism

The Lancet has formally retracted a paper it published in 1998 on the causes of autism based on research conducted by Dr.

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Vaccines Still Don’t Cause Autism