Blame Barry-O? Piers Morgan Says America Has Become More Racist Since President Obama Was Elected

Do you agree? Piers Morgan Says America Has Become More Racist Since President Obama’s Election It’s kinda sad that a British guy can see what most white Americans are unwilling to admit. Piers Morgan is tackling the subject of racism and racial profiling in America in his latest Mail Online ponderings . We excerpted a small part of his essay below because we were eager to see whether or not you agree with him that America has become more racist since Obama’s election. Peep part of what he said below: A fascinating poll published on Wednesday detailed the huge disparity between the way whites and blacks view race issues. Just 16 per cent of whites believe there is a ‘lot’ of discrimination in America today – compared to 56 per cent of blacks. Incredibly, white perceptions of anti-black bias have plummeted to the point where many think anti-white bias is a bigger problem. A plainly ludicrous sentiment. Blacks in America remain the most impoverished, poorly-educated, imprisoned and discriminated-against section of society. To pretend otherwise is to be seriously deluded. However, it’s also an incontrovertible truth that the place where most young black Americans are shot dead is Chicago – and the vast majority are killed by other young black Americans, in the ongoing gang wars that shame that city. My belief is that America remains a racial tinderbox. Many people assumed Barack Obama’s ascent to the highest office in the land meant the end of racism in the United States. ‘How could we elect a black president if we’re still racist?’ was the logic. But if anything, I’d argue that America is now more racist than it was before Obama was elected. Or at the very least, the angry racist minority (but still many millions of people) is more vocal – enraged by the whole notion of a black man living at the White House. Having said that, America is clearly massively less racist than it was 40 years ago. It has come a long way, very fast. What is desperately needed now is a sustained period of calm, rational reaction on all sides to the myriad incidents that occur on a daily basis in the United States where race might be seen as an issue, even where it isn’t. Do you agree or do you feel like Piers Morgan doesm’t really know isht anyway? WENN

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Blame Barry-O? Piers Morgan Says America Has Become More Racist Since President Obama Was Elected

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