Tina Campbell Forced To Postpone Tour Over Low Ticket Sales While Tina Campbell has been on tour defending her decision to support Donald Trump based on his “Christian values…” apparently she was also on a gospel tour as well. It seems that not many people were aware (or concerned) because her ticket sales were lackluster, to say the least. In fact, sales were SO poor that she had to put the tour on hold until the spring. Tina “We are grateful for those who were planning to attend but our overall ticket sales haven’t shown that we have the support that we need to continue to tour at this time. We’re convinced that that many more would love the opportunity to attend this praise filled, faith filled, entertaining, worship experience.” WELP. Looks like she needed to focus more of her energy on her music career and promoting her tour than on defending the Orange in office and her knucklehead decision to toss her support behind him. WENN/Splash/Getty
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Call Your President, Girl: Tina Campbell Forced To Push Back Tour Due To “Lack Of Support”