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“L eaving Neverland ” premiered Sunday and Monday on HBO and the documentary shocked the world with graphic accusations of long-rumored child abuse allegations against Michael Jackson . Many people have been speaking out about the documentary, including Corey Feldman , who was a child actor when he and Jackson became friends in the 1980s. See Also: ‘I Thought It Was A Hoax’: Sparkle Talks R. Kelly’s Marriage To Aaliyah Feldman, who is most known for the 1985 film “The Goonies” told Page Six he was never assaulted by Jackson. “What happened with me [and Jackson] was strictly aboveboard,” Feldman said in the interview published Tuesday. “We’d be on the phone for hours. You’re talking about someone who has spent their life in the industry, who grew up in the industry and didn’t have a childhood and have friends and have sleepovers, I could relate. That was my life. We both came from abuse — abusive homes. There is not a lot of kindred minds that can connect on those levels or achieve the success he had. That was the common ground we shared.” He continued, “I am not saying they are lying. I wasn’t there. I can only go based on my experiences. Every victim’s voice must be taken seriously and must be heard. In no way would I ever intimate that I would want them to be silenced.” The 47-year-old added, “If God forbid these things were true, then there is a completely different Michael that I knew. I guess anything in the world of pedophilia is possible. All I can say is my heart goes out to both of them — and if for any reason the things are proven true, I would be in full support of them.” That said, he explained, “I don’t think we can go jumping on a bandwagon without evidence. That’s why there are court cases and cross-examinations … when [Jackson] was on trial [ending in 2005], he was cleared of all the charges … I don’t think anyone can take [the allegations] lightly, but I also don’t think we should go making a judgment on information we have that’s strictly conversation without backup.” Feldman blasted the parents. “To me, the most shocking and appalling part of this whole thing are the actions and misdeeds made by the parents of both children, and the decision to allow their kids to be unaccompanied in the presence of an adult they did not know and trust,” Feldman said. “As a father, I could not ever imagine allowing my child to go off with a grown man I did not consider as close as family without any adult supervision. Not even Michael Jackson. It comes down to trading your kids out for an opportunity, and making them the focus of your financial interests, as opposed to the child’s wellbeing.” Feldman did say he and Jackson slept in the same room, but the singer slept on a cot. Feldman tweeted Monday that the documentary was more like “la la” land and that it was one-sided. #Neverland OK I WATCHED IT ALL I KNOW IS WHAT I EXPERIENCED, & YES EVERY EXPERIENCE WAS THE SAME….RIGHT UP 2 THE SEX PART! THAT IS WHERE IT BECOMES LALA LAND, INSTEAD OF NEVERLAND 4 ME. WE NEVER SPOKE ABOUT SEX OTHER THAN A FEW WARNINGS ABOUT HOW SEX WAS SCARY, & DANGEROUS. MJ — Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) March 4, 2019 HOWEVER I DO TAKE ISSUE WITH THE FACT THAT THIS WHOLE THING IS 1 SIDED W NO CHANCE OF A DEFENSE FROM A DEAD MAN, & NO EVIDENCE OTHER THAN THE WORD OF 2 MEN WHO AS ADULTS DEFENDED HIM IN COURT! BUT AS WE WILL NEVER REALLY KNOW, I ONLY HAV — Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) March 4, 2019 According to TMZ , Brett Barnes , who knew Jackson when he was a child, threatened HBO with a lawsuit “claiming the documentary puts him in a false light and subjects him to ‘hatred, contempt and ridicule.’ Presumably, the lawyer is saying MJ supporters will target Barnes as a result of the documentary.” Barnes testified at Jackson’s criminal trial in 2005 and said he was never assaulted by Jackson. He also tweeted this in January: Not only do we have to deal with these lies, but we’ve also got to deal with people perpetuating these lies. The fact that they fail to do the small amount of research it takes to prove these are lies, by choice or not, makes it even worse. — Brett Barnes (@IAmBrettBarnes) January 30, 2019 In 1993, Jackson was accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy. In January of 1994, Jackson reportedly settled for $23,000,000. The accuser’s father committed suicide in 2009, five months after Jackson passed away. Jordan Chandler reportedly has never come forward about the allegations and supposedly lives outside of the country. In 2017, when choreographer Wade Robson accused Jackson of sexual assault—even though he’d said in the past the singer didn’t assault him—there was a hunt to find Chandler. According to The Daily Mail , he left the U.S. to avoid investigators. In 2003, Jackson was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to a 13-year-old boy. He was acquitted of all charges. SEE ALSO: All The Ways Cops Are Still Trying To Cover Up LaQuan McDonald’s Execution Outrageous! Figurines Of White Cherub Crushing Head Of Black Angel Removed From Dollar Store Meet Jogger Joe, The Man Who Took Racist Cue From BBQ Becky In Tossing Homeless Man’s Clothes
Corey Feldman, Former Childhood Friend Of Michael Jackson, Slams ‘Leaving Neverland’