How shady is THIS beyotch?!? Things around the McNair family have been tense, to say the least, since Steve passed in 2009. According to his wife, Michele, the will that his agent claimed was drawn up has been lost. Thus, all of Steve’s assets were left to her. Those assets included the million dollar mansion he had built for his mother, Lucille, to live in during her twilight years. For whatever reason, Michelle believes that Lucille should have to pay ($3,000/month) to live in the home that her millionaire son built. Peep the video below. Obviously this is just one side of the story, but what the HELL could this woman have done to Michelle to make her take her home away from her and prevent her from seeing her grandchildren??? Just because she doesn’t know how to manage money doesn’t mean she can bully her dead husband’s poor old mother! Image via Discovery
Read the original post:
Dirty Game: Steve McNair’s Widowed Wife Took His Mother’s Home, Tried To Charge Her Rent, Then Sold It After His Will Was “Lost”! [Video]