Once upon a time democracies worked fine for small tribes consisting of a number of families. Everyone simply got together and raised their hand to be counted. Easy. As populations grew, one could not hold massive public meetings for voting on every issue. So we developed a representative form of government, called a democratic republic. A person would be voted into office through democratic means and that person would cast a vote the Representative decided was best for their constituents. However, Republican government is not the friend of democracy and the freedoms of the people. In the course of time, as Representatives come and go, a Representative of the people will be corrupted by wealth and power offered to them by the wealthy and powerful. When that happens the people slowly loose their political power and everything degenerates once again into a have and have-not society of surfs and Aristocracy. Once upon a time, starting about two hundred years ago, we believed that was the best we could ever do and ever hope for. Today we have encryption technology. We have telephones and no pay phones that dial 911 without the need for money. We have computers, we have cell phones, we have TV and radio, newspapers, all of which informs us, all of which can be used in a system of voting. Grandma does not own a computer or TV. Grandma turns her newspaper to the Voting Pages where each bill in the state legislature and federal government is described and a pro and con opinion given, plus suggestions for further research. The deadline for the vote is given; say ten minutes before the representative casts their vote yes or no. Grandma picks up her phone, dials the voter number given for each bill, and uses her code or codes and votes. Tomorrow the newspaper will show the results and the voting record of the representative. In three days Grandma will receive a letter in the mail with her voter receipts, or she can opt for granddaughter to download her receipts off line and stay green. Grandma does a similar thing with her checks and bank transactions today. Every state has the option to pass laws making every representative in state legislatures, and in the federal government, subject to automatic recall by democratic process and a triggered recall when 10% of those representatives’ votes do not reflect the electronic democratic votes cast by the people, THE BOSS! A hearing is set and depending on state law, the representative will be subject to immediate dismissal or even criminal prosecution. Every state will be made accountable by responsible citizens on the local level, for setting up a system that is available to all eligible voters. In that way, cheating becomes a local issue forcing responsible citizens to get involved in the democratic process. Furthermore, it would force responsible citizens to get involved in politics at the state and federal level. Electronic Democracy evens the playing field between the average citizen that votes about every two years for a corrupt or corruptible representative, and the wealthy that can vote as many times as they like out of there wallets to corrupt that representative. I ask you, who really has more political power in the US today, when it is one-person one vote, and one wealthy person numerous votes? Be forewarned. The wealthy and powerful always bring out a BIG Scarecrow argument about democracies like those that I have described. They will say that crazy decisions are made by mobs of people with political power. They are correct if the average person ignores voting and let crazies run the government. However, that kind of mismanagement by the people is self-correcting. The moment some insane law is passed, the people will be forced to rise up and get involved. The more crazy laws pass, the more the rise of the people until real democracy and the power of the people is restored. In the United States, we believe in and trust the people to make the right decisions if they exercise their power to vote. That is based on a belief that human beings as a species have the ability to routinely make the correct political decision if they exercise their political power. This is the entire bases of Democracy. If it is a wrong assumption about us, then democracy for Homo Sapien is an impossibility. I for one do not believe that. However, let us put it to the test. We like to call the United States the great experiment in democracy. We can prove that the experiment is successful by using Electronic Democracy and forcing our elected representative employees to carry out the orders of their employers, the people of the United States of America. The best thing about Electronic Democracy exercised on a state-by-state bases, it is not unconstitutional. Note; lazy people can always vote in the general elections. I do not have the computer ability to start the process. But someone reading this does. Set up sites that take the votes of the people in each state, on every issue before state legislatures and our federal congress. Prove that it can work using encryption and technologies I do not understand but I am sure readers do. The revolution will be held on the internet, you are invited to join. The best way to prove this is the way to restore our freedoms and our democracy is to just do it independently. Then show the people that it works. Personally, I trust Al Gore and Current to make this happen. Maybe open a new tab and call it, Current the Democracy Project. But, if not, we can do it ourselves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izddjAp_N4I&feature=player_embedded# ! added by: ezrierin