Lupita Nyong’o Calls Out Magazine For Editing Her Hair Just like Solange , Lupita isn’t here for magazines deciding what Black hair “should” look like. The award-winning actress did a recent cover shoot for Grazia magazine, with her curls pulled back into a puff-ponytail. However come print time, her wavy roots had been photoshopped smooth, and for whatever reason, the true length of her hair had been edited away. Lupita wasn’t shy about showing the source shots, and letting the mag know she didn’t appreciate them reimagining what her hair looked like… As I have made clear so often in the past with every fiber of my being, I embrace my natural heritage and despite having grown up thinking light skin and straight, silky hair were the standards of beauty, I now know that my dark skin and kinky, coily hair are beautiful too. Being featured on the cover of a magazine fulfills me as it is an opportunity to show other dark, kinky-haired people, and particularly our children, that they are beautiful just the way they are. I am disappointed that @graziauk invited me to be on their cover and then edited out and smoothed my hair to fit their notion of what beautiful hair looks like. Had I been consulted, I would have explained that I cannot support or condone the omission of what is my native heritage with the intention that they appreciate that there is still a very long way to go to combat the unconscious prejudice against black women’s complexion, hair style and texture. #dtmh SMH, when will these mags just let Black hair be? Getty/Instagram
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Don’t Touch My Hair! Lupita Nyong’o Calls Out Magazine For Editing Her Edges And Photoshopping Her A Fade
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