Black Teen Films Store Clerk Following Him Around While Shopping via Metro News As he walks around the shop, a clerk appears to be keeping an extremely close eye on the young man. Ever the smooth operator, the employee acts as if she’s not following Rashid by straightening bags of Doritos, flipping hot dogs, and generally busying herself whenever he clocks her. Naturally, the internet is viewing this as a prime example of racial profiling in America, a country where a young African-American male can arguably not enter a shop without employees thinking he might steal something. You’ll have to make up your own mind on this one. Although the woman’s reaction says a lot. Check out the Vine in question for yourself below. SMH @ the look on her face when she got put on blast at the end.
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Fear Of Black Skin: African-American Teen Films White Store Clerk Following Him The Entire Time He’s Shopping [WATCH]