Slim Thug Book “How To Survive In A Recession” Includes A Chapter Supporting Abortion We’re not saying rappers aren’t allowed to take a crack at social commentary, but let’s face it — this isn’t Slim Thug’s strong suit. Slim stopped by 97.9 in his hometown of Houston to discuss his latest project — a book called “How To Survive In A Recession.” The book — which consults a grand total of 0 financial experts, draws on Slim’s personal experience as a person who is “cheap.” And along with all his thoughts on how to save up, he also has a full chapter devoted to the topic of “Abortion.” When H-town radio host JJ asked him what that chapter had to do with everything else in the book he said “I think abortions is necessary on some occasions.” Here’s the quote that has been floating around from the book: People are against abortion, but I think it ain’t good to have a baby and not be with the father. My mother, she took care of me but she worked 7 days a week, 12 hours a day and I seen how much of a struggle it was. It was so hard coming up, I don’t even know who my daddy is….So, I don’t like that. A kid deserves both parents in the home, so if you ain’t gon be with somebody i don’t think you need to have a kid with them….even though I got 3 baby mommas.. (laughs)….it ain’t easy and it ain’t right …but we good. The book also includes quotes from Slim Thug saying: “I ain’t saying wait 3 or 4 months. If it’s immediate, it’s like birth control to me.” While we agree that it’s preferable to raise a child with both of his and her parents, do you think Slim’s comments could be taken to mean that women who don’t have a partner should not be parents and should look to abortion as a means to handle any and all unwanted pregnancies? Do you have a problem with what Slim Thug is saying or do you agree with him? And how should his kids feel about his opinion since he’s not with their mothers? Does Slim Thug just need to have a seat and stop talking about social issues? Y’all remember what he had to say about black women a few years ago, right? SMH. Source Instagram
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For Discussion: Slim Thug Supports Abortion Saying, “It Ain’t Good To Have A Baby And Not Be With The Father,” Is He Wrong?