Hailey Baldwin is in Miami going to church with Justin Bieber There is a whole new movement of these young, under 25 year olds, finding the church, they all think that Jesus is the Way…because they come from parents who turned their back to the church and lived this vapid existence chasing money, allowing them to have these coddled rich kids lives, that felt like they had no actual meaning….so to give them some sort of enlightenment….or purpose…or meaning beyond having all kinds of things and money…they are turning back to Christ…and I find it fucking weird. I do not understand why with Science, the church has any credibility, you’d think we’d be further and further away from that…but these people are idiots, have no grasp on reality, and use the church as some sort of angle. Because everything they do – is so far off from the actual lessons of Christ…not that I am an expert on the shit – but I know going to Church tits out, in and of itself is a sin…and creating smut for men to jerk off to also a sin…and living her life being a vapid girl trying to get famous for being hot…a sin…. So whether she’s with Bieber going to church for paparazzi or not, this girl identifies as a Jesus freak but everything she does is so off track…it makes no sense…but people buy into it and I guess that makes her feel like less of a harlot… Here she is getting her dick sucked by Justin Bieber Here she is in her post-church bikini
Hailey Baldwin Tits Out for Church of the Day